What planes do you fly the most?

Hi there, I was wondering what planes you guys fly the most? I am just curious. I hope I’m not copying another post.

C172, A320 FBW mod, DV20 (because I fly it IRL), and soon: Aerosoft CRJ and JustFlight Piper Arrow III.

A320N and cessna caravan

Piper PA44 Seminole, Mooney M20R Ovation and maybe TBM 930.

Bonanza and King Air 350

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  • C172 Classic - that steam gauge goodness
  • Bonanza - with the Bonanza Turbo mod. The stock Bonanza is rather underwhelming IMHO.
  • Carenado Mooney M20R - more steam gauge goodness. This plane is basically a hotrod with wings.
  • TMB 930 - That plane is amazing in all ways
  • Cirrus SR22 - Love that plane, although haven’t flown it much lately. Suffers from the “Premium Deluxe Lack of Attention” syndrome. Wish someone would create a 3rd party SR22T…
  • C208 - Because it’s just a fun plane to fly. It’s not fast. It’s not fancy. But it’s nice to have turboprops.
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Ovation for me

I’d enjoyed the TBM a month ago or so but had weird weird AP issues at cruise and couldn’t get over it.

Maybe I should try again

I’ve been spending most of my time in the Cessna Citation Longitude lately.
I enjoy being able to cover a lot of ground quickly, and I am learning the Garmin glass.


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Piper PA44 Seminole, Mooney M20R, Trinidad TB-21, x-cub(for bushtrips)

savage cub, only bushflying here.


Definitely the C152 with the community mod. My second most flown aircraft would be the Cessna Citation CJ4 with the Working Title Mod :slight_smile:

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M20R Ovation, FW149, Kingair and 747 but i try the A320 Mod from FBW, thats look amazing.

Cessna 152, Paul’s 80R Sail plane, Kitfox STI, Pitts, Savage Cub

A320 custom FBW for me, with a little C172 (old gage version) thrown in for scenic trips.

Mooney 20 is all I fly.

172, 208, Mooney, and Seminole.

Jabiru 170 (G3X) & Icon A5

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FBW, CJ4 and 787 (I know, it’s borked, but I still love how it looks). For props it’s the 172 and TBM, but sometimes the Caravan and Icon.

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mainly (99,95% :partying_face: ) the tbm930 (only whit a livery from “volcan air” and since yesterday whit the “door mod” :star_struck: )

TBM930 for longer flights or in bad weather.
Seminole in good weather but when sightseeing is not the main objective.
Bonanza for cross country sight seeing.
C172 (steam gauges) for short sightseeing tours around cities, POIs, etc.

I have the Mooney, and would love to love it, but I fly in VR, and as of now this plane just ain’t right.

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