What planes do you fly the most?

Diamond DA40NG with the mod. Fun to fly and stunning views from the bubble cockpit.

The TBM with the mod that fixes landing dynamics and makes the doors operable.

Surprisingly, the JMB vl3 with the 915 mod. Excellent vision and easy to fly.

I want to enjoy the CJ4 but the floating issue seems worse since the update.

Definitely the C-152. Almost have the checklist memorized! Low and slow is my style and this seems like the most realistic bird for my purposes.

I’d probably move over to the C-172, but I don’t care so much for the glass cockpit. (Wish MS had included the steam guage version in my Standard edition.) Perhaps a 3rd party developer will come out with a reasonably priced C-172 steam guage version, as well as a DC-3/C-47.
Fingers crossed!

FBW A320 and WT CJ4.

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I’m an airliner guy, so I fly the A320 and the 748 the most, they seem to be the most stable of the airliners. I have the 787 as well, but it has some issues so I don’t take that out as often

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It’s interesting hearing about the Mods for Asobo planes.

I sure wish they’d up their game on first party planes.

Seems crazy that mods are needed on flagship offerings like the TBM

Longitude and TBM 930. Occasionally the Icon A5 too if I want to do some sightseeing.

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For me is DR400 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

The Icon A5 is the only plane that doesn’t feel like junk in VR for me

Cessna 152 ( MSFS_C152 Community Mod)
Diamond DA62 ( DA62X Improvement Mod, Working Title G1000 Mod)
Beechcraft King Air 350 (Working title G3/5000 Mod)
Cessna CJ4 ( Working Title Mod)

3rd Party
Piper PA44 (Carenado)
Mooney M20R Ovation (Carenado)

Piper 600 Aerostar (A2A) - Currently only in my dreams.

I’m in the same boat as you about the Cessna 172. Id prefer a steam gauge and GNS 530 version of this basic GA aircraft and since basic stuff like EGT is bugged on the steam gauge version and because its a Deluxe aircraft and cannot be easily modded im putting the C172 on hold until a study level version is released by a 3rd party.

Mostly the King Air with the G3000 mod (hoping we get a more complete community mod for the King Air at some point as well, like other aircraft enjoy), and the A320 with FBW mod. Sometimes a bit of Grand Caravan thrown in for fun.

Stock C152. Just finished my trip New York-Los Angeles in that bad boy using VOR:s and VFR maps. USA feels big when you don’t have autopilot :slight_smile:


I just love the TBM930, its fast, it has a good range, fun to fly and it can land on short runways if needed. A magnificent plane!

If I win the jackpot in a lottery I will buy one in real life!

Extra 330 LT…

As a fan of light GA,

  • Carenado T182T, wouldn’t suggest it unless you really want a Turbo Skylane specifically but i absolutely love it (Working Title G1000 is a must as with all the G1000 planes)
  • Classic 172, a lovely steam gauge cockpit and FPS friendly
  • Cessna 152 (with the community mod), just nice and basic

The next 3rd party aircraft im really looking forward to is Just Flights Piper PA-28, the customisablity and sim quality looks absolutely amazing


Standard: C172 “analogic”
Custom: Working Title CJ4

C172 analog dials, this is my most used plane for sightseeing
Payware Mooney, for cross country travel…
Payware Fiat G91, wauw! Flying from Newcastle UK to Leeuwarden airbase, Holland in just 35 minutes…

Impressive… no small feat.
What were your departure and arrival airports?

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Icon A5 and TBM 930
