What We Need!

This topic is not about Wants or Wishes. This is about Needs! Such as a Check List of Important Stuff to fix from 2020.

  • Allow an option to Not show popup’s while flying which kills immersion
  • Deluxe version should include IFR charts, advanced offline ATC control and Nav Data updates.
  • Time to fix the bridges to lose the ‘curtain’ effect
  • There must be an option to Not Hide the cursor after about 3 seconds
  • Advanced+ Ground handling and Pushback → designed to work for all aircraft
  • Advanced+ Flight Planner, easy to use again but with colored SIDS and STARS to choose etc
  • All aircraft to have profiles and Flight Planner will calculate everything (like Simbrief) and produce a detailed flight plan.
  • The active Flight Plan will become central to the Core sim
  • For any Offline mode it must be possible to set the takeoff or landing active runways. Or leave them set to Auto. This can be to force the sim to use the runways on your flight plan as the active runways.
  • Users can CTRL Click to start from any location on Map
  • Realistic Online option that forbids starting on runways and taxi ways
  • Realistic Offline option (with or without ATC) that prevents aircraft on landing runway
  • Users can select Start State eg Engines Off or Engines Running etc. Payware
    Developers may include option for other start states such as APU running.
  • Preflight page to also include Preferences for units ie. Pressure: Hpa/inHg, Weights: kg/lb etc. This will also be for saved for Core Sim (not needed on any tablets)
  • When the sim is loading an airport, it needs to do additional checking of taxi way areas and runway terrain data. It needs to discover any parts with holes or bumps, and if so apply terrain smoothing on those areas. Self healing of terrain errors. Also, all older airports should work and there must not be any texture flickering.
  • Once loaded, it should be possible to quickly bring up a map and change to a different start location, without returning to the Main menu. The map should show other aircraft.
  • Reworked record/replay system that includes Fly By and ‘click on grass’ for external fly by view position when landing.
  • Major core sim optimization for multi core, level of detail - rendering improvement for radius details by aircraft height, graphics standards like FSR 3, reflections, DirectStorage etc
  • Finally, a big improvement to the (landing) physics and tire friction being too slippery.
  • AI ATC with voice recognition (IFR/VFR, all flight types, emergencies, mayday, hijackings), ACARS, flight crew conversations, airline crew to Ops calls, ground handler calls, cabin crew calls, annoying passengers. All options selectable.
  • visibility depiction outside of metar bubbles

Proper Model Matching…



I’ll keep it simple, the lead Devs to listen to the VR community.


  • Toggle for POI while flying
  • better ATC
  • improved default planes, like Cirrus SR22
  • Toggle for copilot in cockpit

Active runway should always be set according to the prevailing wind. Just because you want to use the runway the best lines up with your departure/approach vector doesn’t mean that it’s safe - especially if you can’t get enough airspeed because you’re taking off with a 25 knot tailwind.

I forgot to mention. Also need a new trailer, more information and aircraft list!

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I said it should be an Option - so you can leave on Auto if you want.
The Problem is if there is a Crosswind you may plan a flight and start the sim and see the AI are taking off in the Opposite direction!

If we got vip transport I think more smaller default airliners, 6 seater GA’s, and regional aircraft would be needed (more like smaller turboprop airliners like the Beechcraft B1900D which is actually used for vip services now then passenger flying) the missions using the 747 size aircraft would be too limited by those aircraft specs on what airport your landing at or taking off if you just fly the heavy aircraft, and even small little 4 seater GA aircraft would also have a limited range of flights

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  • native support for multiplayer shared cockpit

  • working comm radio and/or text chat in multiplayer

  • all airport aprons lit at night

  • runway lights off during the day in VFR conditions

  • much improved and realistic vibrations (camera shake) at touch down and during the takeoff/landing roll

  • working wipers


I have added one more Need. From time to time there are terrain issues. The sim needs to find and fix these errors at load time:


Fix the textures. No more baked in clouds or ugly FSX-style placeholders.


No more red skies. I’m presuming this is something that will definitely be fixed? I remember in one of the dev Q+A’s a while ago and Seb said they we would need to do a complete overhaul of the lighting engine to fix this issue. I guess we can safely presume one of the (many) reasons they’re doing FS2024 at all is that they’re doing that overhaul?

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One more added. I will never know how I forgot this most annoying thing:

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Sir, I got an idea for the new MSFS 2024 ad based on a low famous youtuber

watch it, you wont regret it

  • Two or three sizes of airport beacon towers. The existing towers look rediculous on small airports.

  • Improve turbo prop engine and throttle modelling.

  • Flight analyzer.

  • Full SDK access to weather systems, allowing 3rd party solutions to be implemented without limited workarounds.

  • A Live Weather system that satisfies ALL the long pending bug reports and requests in the weather forum section.

At least ONE of these is a MUST HAVE; A new release is of no interest otherwise.

Weather regressions and never-solved issues have caused many players to drop MSFS since its release.

For us, adoption of FS2024 is entirely dependant on either a fully satisfactory weather overhaul, or completely opening up the system for external solutions.

  • being able to autosave/load previous flight/last location
  • switching airports/gates and aircraft without returning to the main menu

This is a Need. Added to original post.

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Agreed – arguably the best MSFS video I have yet seen.

Thank you for taking the time and making the effort to put together such an outstanding video.

Yes Just what we needmore contributing to MSFS in a positive way, and less moaning and demanding what some WANT, without the slightest clue as to how much work their entitled needs will take.