When will these 0:00 Clock errors bugs be solved?

If you play the game between 0:00 and 1:00 in your local time the game presents the Unexpected error 308-400-00207 and simply quits.

If you play the game between 0:00 and 1:00 UTC you simply do not receive your passive income, the system skips to the next day.

I mean, most of the bugs in FS2024 are manageable, we can tolerate them… but is this acceptable? a Y2K clock sync error
The game was 2 months old today and a ridiculous bug like this, which is already more than documented and reported, has not yet been solved.

That’s 2 hours a day that you cannot play the career mode without talking penalties, and that is coincidentally the hours I have to play, great! Asobo was providing exemplary support in FS2020 and now that they have this new and extremely bugged (and yet better) product has been released and they simply disappeared, what is this radio silence? What is going on?

Is this actually a thing?? :exploding_head:

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That’s an error I’ve never experienced, so if you start the sim anytime between 0:00 and 1:00 local it just closes?

If you play the game between 0:00 and 1:00 UTC you simply do not receive your passive income, the system skips to the next day.

This I’ve experienced in career mode. If I lose the sim before 0:00 UTC (7pm here on the wast coast US) and open it a few min later (ie: 0:10) I don’t get this error and receive my passive income.

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The related report is feedback-logged : Error code 308-400-00207 happens at midnight local time in career.
Unfortunately there is no way to get a date for a fix, just be pending of the status as explained here: Navigating Our Categories, and the next Sim Updates release notes.


If you know you’re going to be flying at midnight, you can change your computer time zone to be more eastern, or even gmt. Note that after you change your time past midnight, the mission might still crash within the next 20 minutes so don’t start a job right away.

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It won’t close like a CTD, but a unexpected error will random appears and you get returned to the HQ screen. It only happens in career mode, always between 0:00 and 1:00 local time.

Ah local time… midnight to 1am, I’m never on that late so that would explain why i haven’t seen it

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A work-around for the midnight local time bug is to temporarily change your computer’s time zone.

Note that there is still a 15 minute window of failure after you jump past midnight local. So if it’s 11:20 PM Central and you set your clock to Eastern time so it’s now 12:20AM your mission could still fail within the next 20 minutes.

You can also set your clock temporarily to hawaii time so you go from 11:20pm to 7:20 pm central. You can pick whatever time zone you want, forward or backward. But if you go forward past midnight, you’ve got 20 minutes of uncertainty.

I do this before I start flying when I know my flight will cross over midnight.

Edit: the midnight bug is fixed in Sim Update 1 Beta


Yes, SU1 Beta finally solved the 0:00 local time bug (finally)

Do you know if they solved it the passive income 0:00 UTC bug (that you don’t receive it, if playing the game in this time)?

It did not fix the passive pay midnight utc bug.

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No, it didn’t… Happened to me just half an hour ago on the SU1 beta