Navigating Our Categories

Overwhelmed by all the categories and wondering where to chat? Here is an overview of all our categories.

Please remember this is an English language forum, but feel free to used the multiplayer section to find friends and groups in your own language. Outside of that section, please use English only as we can only provide support in that language at this time.

Official Microsoft Flight Simulator

News & Announcements

  • This will host official announcements from the Community Team.

Polls & Feedback

  • Will host mega-threads from specific releases hosted but the Community Team where you can express your sentiment around certain updates as well as vote in our polls.

Tips & Troubleshooting

  • This will still be hosted by the official Support team and provide read-only tips, current known/emerging issues, and useful troubleshooting steps.

Forum Navigation

  • A place for users to learn how to make the most out of their forum experience.


  • This is where you can upvote feature requests or create a new Wishlist thread.

Community Content Hangar

Become a part of the community by sharing your latest screenshots, videos, and tutorials, or simply come here to search for upcoming fly-in events, groups, and more!

3rd Party Product Announcements

  • This category is for third-party developers to announce newly-released add-ons or updates to their existing addons. Announcements here are also mirrored on the official MSFS Discord server.

Community Events

  • Create, join, or browse through community-made MSFS events here.

Community Guides

  • Find user-made wiki guides on how to navigate Microsoft Flight Simulator, use the SDK, and more! This category is by post-approval only.

Videos & Streams

  • If you are a Youtuber or Streamer, this section is for you! This sub-category is where you can post your MSFS-related videos on the forums. Follow the rules listed here.

Friends, Clubs & Groups

  • Create and join your own flight group here! Anything from Bush flying clubs to ATC groups, the sky is the limit. You can speak your native language here.


  • This category is to share screenshots, flight plans, or discuss different routes you are taking around the world.

Discussion Hub

This sub-category is your one-stop shop to discuss any and all core or 3rd party products and features in Microsoft Flight Simulator.

General Discussion

  • This category encompasses any general discussion or miscellaneous topic related to Microsoft Flight Simulator that does not fall under any of the other sub-categories.


  • This is a sub-category for simmers to discuss existing and upcoming aircraft and liveries (core, 1st, or 3rd party) and their opinions and recommendations on specific aircraft and liveries.


  • This is a sub-category for simmers to discuss core or 3rd party activities (bush trips, missions, landing challenges, etc.) in the sim.


  • This is a sub-category for simmers to discuss core or 3rd party airports in the sim.

Home Cockpit Builders

  • This sub-category is for all things related to building your home cockpit.

MSFS 2024

  • Remains unchanged. This is a sub-category for all comments and speculation around Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024. We look forward to sharing more information about Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 in the future.

Real-life Aviation

  • This sub-category is for discussion of real-life aviation, whether it’s to talk about progress on your PPL or sharing the latest in aviation.

Tools & Utilities

  • This sub-category is for discussion of any 3rd party tools or utilities you are using for Microsoft Flight Simulator.

World Discovery

  • This is a sub-category for simmers to discuss core or 3rd party scenery (photogrammetry, DEM, TIN); flight planning and routes; weather; live weather; fauna, land, and sea traffic.

Bug Reporting Hub

This section is for Official bug reporting and voting. Before you create a bug report, use the search function to look up your issue as someone may have already reported it. If they have, feel free to vote and add your issue to the thread. If there are no reports on your issue, create a new topic in the sub-category that best fits the description and follow the bug-reporting template.

There should be only one bug described per topic you create.

Here is a guide to some of the Official Tags used:

image feedback-logged - A Community Feedback is logged in our database to verify the bug. Note: If the feedback is verified as a bug, the thread’s tag will be changed for “Bug logged”

image bug-logged - The issue reported by the community is logged as a bug in our database. Note: Once logged, the team will be working on a fix for a future update

image need-your-help - Unable to reproduce, need further information
image workaround - A workaround is available
image fixed-on-live - The issue previously reported is now fixed on the current version of the sim

All categories remain the same.

Aircraft & Systems

  • This section is dedicated to aircraft visuals, avionics, flight model, flight performances, instruments, aerodynamics, and more.

ATC, Traffic & NAVAIDs

  • This section is dedicated to ATC, traffic, and navigational aids (e.g. vectors and procedures, VOR/NDB/AIRAC data, ILS, ATIS).

Crashes (CTDs)

  • This section is dedicated to crashes on your desktop or console.

Hardware & Peripherals

  • Updated name to include Peripherals. This section is dedicated to hardware (Xbox, PC specs, Peripherals, etc.).

Install, Performance & Graphics

  • This section is dedicated to download & installation, performance and graphics issues.

Scenery and Airports

  • This section is dedicated to airports (e.g. buildings, airport vehicles and personnel, airport lighting, including runway and approach lights) and scenery (elevation issues, trees, water, etc.).


  • The SDK Bugs & Issues section is no longer used to create topics. If you are looking for help or would like to ask questions specific to the SDK, please visit the dedicated DevSupport Forum.

User Interface & Activities

*This section is dedicated to user interface (menus) and activities (e.g. bush trips, flight lessons, landing challenges, live events, Reno Air Racing, Top Gun: Maverick, etc.

Virtual Reality (VR)

  • This section is dedicated to virtual reality (VR and VR hardware).

Weather & Live Weather

  • This section is dedicated to weather and Live Weather


  • This section is dedicated to miscellaneous (e.g. audio/sound, accessibility, logbook, marketplace, etc.)


  • If a thread or bug is resolved as fixed, complete, or by-design, it will move here.

User Support Hub

This section is for user-to-user support. Feel free to ask questions here to other simmers who may be able to help with your issue.

We have decided to mirror the categories here with the categories in the Bug Reporting Hub for ease of understanding and moving threads.

Aircraft & Systems

  • This sub-category is dedicated to aircraft visuals, avionics, flight model, flight performances, instruments, aerodynamics, and more. This is for user-to-user support and not for official bug reporting.

ATC, Traffic & NAVAIDs

  • This sub-category is dedicated to ATC, traffic, and navigational aids (e.g. vectors and procedures, VOR/NDB/AIRAC data, ILS, ATIS). This is for user-to-user support and not for official bug reporting.

Crashes (CTDs)

  • This sub-category is dedicated to crashes on your desktop or console. If your sim abruptly terminates with or without a warning or error message, this is for user-to-user support and not for official bug reporting.

Hardware & Peripherals

  • This sub-category is dedicated to hardware (Xbox, PC specs, Peripherals, etc.). This is for user-to-user support and not for official bug reporting.

Install, Performance & Graphics

  • This sub-category is dedicated to download & installation, performance and graphics issues. This is for user-to-user support and not for official bug reporting.

Scenery & Airports

  • This section is dedicated to airports (e.g. buildings, airport vehicles and personnel, airport lighting, including runway and approach lights) and scenery (elevation issues, trees, water, etc.). This is for user-to-user support and not for official bug reporting.


  • The SDK Bugs & Issues section is no longer used to create topics. If you are looking for help or would like to ask questions specific to the SDK, please visit the dedicated DevSupport Forum.

User Interface & Activities

  • This sub-category is dedicated to user interface (menus) and activities (e.g. bush trips, flight lessons, landing challenges, live events, Reno Air Racing, Top Gun: Maverick, etc. This is for user-to-user support and not for official bug reporting.

Virtual Reality (VR)

  • This sub-category is dedicated to virtual reality (VR and VR hardware). This is for user-to-user support and not for official bug reporting.

Weather & Live Weather

  • This sub-category is dedicated to weather and Live Weather. This is for user-to-user support and not for official bug reporting.


  • This section is dedicated to miscellaneous (e.g. audio/sound, accessibility, logbook, marketplace, etc.) This is for user-to-user support and not for official bug reporting.

This comprehensive breakdown of categories is super helpful for navigating the forum. It’s great to see a clear structure, especially with dedicated sections for user support, bug reporting, and community content. Kudos for making it beginner-friendly while catering to advanced users too!

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