Where are people downloading the hotfix from?

Tried launching the sim but no hot fix. Tried the Microsoft store and no downloads listed. I thought this was going live today? Just wondering. Thanks for any help!

probably being rolled out by region. In USA, Steam version has the patch now. Many glaring issues still there.

The Store seems to filter out who gets notified of an update. If you go into the store and then click on the three dots upper right, then downloads and updates, it may or may not show you that your account has been notified that MSFS has an update. Sometimes you have to wait and sometimes you can click on the MSFS line (if there) and force it to check for updates. - then it goes. 1.18.14 is a 390 meg store update and a small 140meg(?) in sim update.

Somewhat the same experience here but launching the game states a mandatory fix needs to be downloaded from the store but when I go to the store there’s no fix to be applied.

Guess I’ll go cut the grass!


Unfortunately within Windows 11 and the recent MS Store app update I am not getting any MSFS update anymore. Well done MS

  1. Reboot your PC (yes, really, trust me)
  2. Go to the MSFS store page
  3. The download will initialize

Windows 11 is not supported yet. It’s only a preview version. So it’s expected stuff is sometimes broken.


My experience on Win 10 - It’s really not very well implemented

Launch sim - It comes up that a mandatory update is required from MS Store. Click on that to go to store and it just goes to the generic store (unlike the usual behavior of going to the MSFS app and immediately updating).

So, I searched for MSFS 2020 and clicked play. Still nothing. But
 In the background it was downloading the 300 some MB patch.

After that was completed, launching the sim completed the update process with a very small download within the sim.

Hope this helps if others cannot seem to get the download going. :slight_smile:


  • Reboot your PC (yes, really, trust me)
  • Go to the MSFS store page
  • Click Microsoft Flight Simulator
  • The download will initialize

Hey Pieter, Hi TenPatrol,

finally its sorted out. I had download the patch via the XBOX gaming app. I dont know if this is a Windows 11 thing or MS has shifted the whole patching procedure to the XBOX area. Thanks for your advices.



For Windows 11, not sure if this will work on Windows 10?

  1. Go to Windows Store
  2. Go to Gaming tab
  3. Click the Flight Sim game
  4. Scroll all the way down to where it says “In this bundle” and click the version you installed.
  5. It should open a new simulator page with an update button next to play.

Or go to the flight sim page in the store then click the burger icon and select update.

For anyone else with this issue:

Open MS Store and click on the three dots.
Select My Library.
Select Installed in list on the far left.
Find Microsoft Flight Simulator and click on the thumbnail image (NOT the blue Launch button on the right!)
The game preview page will open and the initial update will start automatically.




If that doesn’t help > restart gaming services via services app


This worked for me to get the update,
Though it was still not visible in the microsoft store, i pressed the download update button 2 times and then it started the download.

Then ingame i got the update screen, here i pressed update.
After the update i shut the simulator and gave the pc a reboot. again? Yes again
Maybe it is not nessecery but to make sure it is all there to load in the right order.

I fired up the simulator and start flying

I had spent almost 6 hours trying all that. Didn’t work no matter what or where I clicked, or how many fingers I crossed, or how I held my mouth. BUT, I did figure a way:
1.Go to the directory where you have MSFS installed and rename it (i just added <old.> to the front of the name)
2. Go to the xBox App and click the 3 dots and choose Uninstall
3. Go back and change the DIR name back to what it was originally
4. In the xBox App choose Install
That will then just install the updates files and took about 2 minutes for me.
Start MSFS and you will now be on
I can’t beleive I spent 6 hours waiting on the Store and App when it was so simple to get around.


If I’m on the MSFS store page, that’s implied :wink:

You’re a genius, it worked!


You saved me!

bit scared doing this just now - which directory name do you change? packages? can you please give exactly which one you changed? Thank you!