Where can I download SimConnect

Hi, can anyone point me to a site or link where I can find SimConnect? I just don’t get it.


It’s basically built into the software as it’s the official API for communication with external software. I don’t think you can download it.

If I remember correctly there have been downloads for FSX as the sim got abandoned at some point and some people updated SimConnect on their own.

Edit: only thing I can think of is that it gets updated via the SDK or something.


Sim-connect is available in the SDK which you can download from the ‘Developers’ tab within MSFS, if you have it enabled, (that’s how I understand it). Older versions of Sim-Connect can be found here
Download Simconnect | FsPassengers I have this version installed within MSFS 2020 because I use SimShaker for Aviators, (Buttkicker Gamer 2 which requires an older version). This version was intended for FSX but also works with MSFS 2020. It is installed via an executable and easily uninstalled using the usual uninstall method within Win 10. If you install SimConnect from the site I have given you a link to, it will not conflict or cause any problems with Sim-Connect installed via the SDK within MSFS 2020. BRGDS. Charles


Hi BleuCat,

Welcome to the forum, I am pleased you have already found one of your answers here.

Take care, BRGDS


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Does that mean I have to have developer mode enabled to use it? If not, how do I make it work or is it just automagically enabled and things just connect to it?

Can you explain what you are trying to do? How do you want to use it? Most of the time, it is not something that needs to be downloaded and installed. It is an API which is active when FS is running.

Based on the original question and the subsequent comment on developer mode, I there might be a better answer to your question if we knew more.


LittleNavMap requires SimConnect. (I am downloading it now)
According to this thread, SimConnect is part of the developer SDK
The developer SDK is only available for download via Developer mode.

Do I have to be in developer mode to use SDK features like SimConnect?

You do not. I use LNM all the time and did not need to do anything to special to get it to connect with FS. Are you running it on a separate machine?

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No, just following the advice of another user who mentioned that it was a Hot Smokin’ Weapon.

Any update from devs on the functionality of simconnect in MSFS? Looking to implement an external gauge software intended for fsx/p3d with msfs.

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i need to run Simconnect on my Tablet for a Progam using it to connect to MSFS.

Now i download the SDK via MSFS Developer Menu and installed it at my Network PC under C:\MSFS_SDK.

And what have i now to do ?

Thanks for any Help

Could you please clarify what exactly you mean?

Ok, i have installed MSFS on one PC and have another program which needs to connect ( via Simconnect ) to MSFS and this Program runs on a Tablet PC, so it runs on another networked PC.

I have now download and install msfs SDK, but i dont know what i have to do now, because the Program on the Tablet PC still can not connect to MSFS.


Ps.: on the MSFS PC i found a Simconnect.xml file under

which contains this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>

<SimBase.Document Type="SimConnect" version="1,0">
    <Descr>SimConnect Server Configuration</Descr>
        <Descr>Static IP4 port</Descr>
        <Descr>Static IP6 port</Descr>
        <Descr>Custom Pipe</Descr>
        <Descr>Dynamic IP4 port</Descr>
        <Descr>Dynamic IP6 port</Descr>
        <Descr>Default FSX Pipe</Descr>

But what do i have to do on the Tablet PC ?

We don’t have a crystal ball so could you please provide more details, along with links to the software?

Ahh, sorry i tought it makes no difference which program it is.

It is called RealAcars…you can find it here :


Why you don’t ask this question directly to the application developer on their Discord or on flightsim.to?

Asobo has given us the ability to set up a server that different applications can connect to. In the simconnect.xml file you found you would need to add the following lines:

<Descr>Global IP Port</Descr>

You would need to open the ports for flightsimulator.exe in your firewall settings and possibly on your router as well. The client, such as the ACARS software, would also need to have a configuration file or an executable that allows it to connect to the server.

Simconnect must be installed on the client PC - which in your case will be your “tablet PC”. You can find the installation version of Simconnect to download in this thread - it’s the third post from the top.

On your “tablet PC” you’ll need to create a file named SimConnect.cfg in the Documents folder. In this file, you should add the following lines:


I’m not entirely sure, as I would need to test it, but you might also need to add SimConnect.cfg file in the folder where ACARS is installed. The developer of the application should know for sure. Additionally, you would need to modify the firewall settings on your “tablet PC” to ensure that ACARS has full access to the internet.

In conclusion, this is how I would approach it, since I’m not familiar with this specific software (realacars).

Fly safe.

SimConnect.cfg file should be located in the folder where realacars is installed.
SimConnect CFG Definition (flightsimulator.com)

Hmm, i think i did that all now, but its still not working.
I have also tested the SimwarWatcher Program on my Tablet PC, wich is includet in the SDK, this is also not connecting.

All Ports are Open in the Router in the Firewall.
The CFG and XML Files are also correct.

The Simconnect.xml must only exist on the MSFS PC … thats not 100% clear ?

Why the hell is that so complicated?
I remember FSX, there it takes me also very long until i get it working.

Yep mate.

To ensure that nothing is blocking the connection, you would need to disable the Windows Firewall on both your gaming PC and tablet PC for testing purposes. Additionally, you should grant administrator permissions to the files flightsimulator.exe and realacars.

For testing purpose you can also test connction by installing SimToolkit Pro, which can run on a client PC (your tablet pc) and connect to the server, which would be your gaming PC.
You will also need the SimConnect server.
SimToolkitPro :: Download


ok, thanks a lot, will try Simtoolkit and the firewall.

Did you know if there is maybe a Tool which does the configuraation ?
Like starting the Tool on the MSFS PC and checking the config, then starting on the Network PC and also check the config and try the connection.
