Where can I find activities like courcheval which is the very first “current activity”. Since it is the “Japan Tour” displayed on this section now, I’ve got overwhelmed of finding expired activities. I have tried “activities” section on home page and “flight log” in personal profile. It seems like everything about original courcheval activity has gone! Some guy help me please.
Hi @aeloyq, welcome to the forums.
You can find a variation of the Courcheval landing challenge by clicking on ‘Activities’ on the home page, landing chainages, and then epic.
I found it by going to :
Activities :: Landing Challenges :: Epic :: Courcheval
It’s a bit odd if you haven’t got it. Is anything else missing?
If it is missing, you may need to download it from the content manager.
Thanks, @ExtraPilot6480 @Nyx1819
Yeah there is an activity called “courcheval” in “activities” indeed. However, this one is a little bit different from the previous “current activity-courcheval”. More specifically, I’ve noticed that those two courcheval activities use two different kinds of plane (and maybe, slightly different weather and time settings). A concrete proof is that my previous landing score is missing.
It is nature to assume that “Japan Tour” activity may be off-shelf oneday.
For someone who just missed those activities may never get a chance to experience them.
Correct, the landing challenge on the home page was a special event, we are on our third now. Those events change occasionally and may or may not be based on an existing activity.
The closed thing you can do to that original activity is the epic landing challenge mentioned above.
I feel resigned for hearing that, but yeah, that’s all I could do right now.
Really appreciate your help
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