Where is "Back to Fly"

Back to Fly is mentioned in the release notes and has been discussed a bit in the glider flight group on discord but I can not locate the option in MSFS. I searched this site and did a general search but just can’t find it.

I did find “Teleport to increased altitude” in the toolbar assistant. Is that what is meant by “Back to Fly?”

Hi Robert, thanks for trying to search 1st :slight_smile:
It doesn’t look like this one has been talked about , but if it’s helpful, you’ll find the setting in Control Options.
Set the search field filter to ALL and type in back or back to fly to narrow that down even more.
You’ll need to map it yourself as it’s not made by default.

40th Release Notes, New Features notes


Thanks for pointing it out. Of course, it had to be a control option; otherwise, you couldn’t map it.

Small mod note: Moved out of General Discussion and into the support areas of the forums.

I can’t get it as soon as I type in back or back to fly it removes the main menue and which keyboard should be listed I don’t see Logitech. Need a little more steps to get the back to fly entered. Thanks

From the main menu: Options / Control Options
Set Filter to “ALL”:

You can map the command to your keyboard, Mouse or Joystick/Controller

I suggest Ctrl-Shift-F since this is reset-like.

When I put back to fly it does not bring up anything on the right screen as you show the Miscellaneous and no back to fly under it? I type it into search like you have .All other items look like your display on the left side but no menu on the right to select control for back to fly. I have tried several times so I’m still missing something?



What version (PC MS-Store, PC-Steam, X-Box) are you running? Have you installed the either the Dune Addon and / or SU15 beta?

If you don’t mind, for what is “back to fly” used? Is it a glider thing?

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I have the filter set to all still no back to fly option comes up that screen is blank?

Back to Fly adds 2,000 ft to your altitude, on same heading, with the controls in close to a flyable condition. You can use it with “cold and dark” but it will take a while to get things stabilized.

You can use the Flight Assistant, bottom item is Teleport to Increased Altitude. You can map it (Back to Fly) to a key - I use Ctrl-Shift-F.