Where's New York after SU5?

Oh there is your issue, you are using lod 2, it has been repeatedly stated that you should use lod 2.5 or above if you want the same distance (or greater) than before.

Let me show you how amazing it looks with lod 4, give me a sec

I spawned a bit too high but the pictures are taken 4milles away from RW31L of JFK. I can see the city just fine

And a bit of a cinematic picture

No good. Screenshot must be from the same spot to be relevant for comperation. Anyway, I took one with the LoD 8.0. It looks very good and the city is visible. Without tweaking the game looks awful. Tnx!

It is practically the same spot, just higher, as you can see LODs from 4 onwards offer the same draw distance we had before.
Asobo will just have to offer the option to go higher than 200 from in-game, it is just a simple patch to the slider.
I am gettin 50 fps in 4k with LOD 4, which is amazing.

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This happened to me too, but in Chicago. I was coming in from the west and was like…umm…there should be a downtown somewhere over there. I clearly remember skyscrapers and such… I live right outside the city RL. I had to get pretty close, too close, before the whole downtown area popped into view all at once. Very jarring, and immersion breaking, to say the least.

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Just took this shot to replicate your SU4/SU5 shots. Looks even better to me

While tweaking the LoD beyond the default settings of 2.0 does improve visual quality of the distant objects and textures, the “pop-in” effect only gets more noticeable and annoying. Visual quality is not even close to the release version of the game even with the tweaked LoD. Such a dissapointment. Not to mention the broken ATC, false temperatures, low res clouds, in-game mouse/gamepad conflict… Until they fix it - I’m gonna take a break. This looks more like a close-up eye-candy arcade game for kids rather than a serious flight simulator.

Yeah. But really we shouldnt be altering files outselves though…

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I’ve only got 6GB VRAM so I can’t do that much testing myself, RTX3090 on the way though.

Are you really telling me that (with edited LOD) SU5 culls mesh from the gpu outside the FOV even with plenty of excess VRAM? It’d be interesting to see a video with developer overlay showing to see the VRAM usage and frame times. If that’s the case it’s really disappointing that Xbox specific optimisations could inhibit the experience for those with better hardware.

Yeah thats what I thought too, I just turned it on because that other guy turned it on lol ;p

Windowed 1 = window mode
FullscreenBorderless 1 = display windowed mode in fullscreen borderless mode no window decorations / bars etc just like full screen except its in windowed mode

There is actually a bug. If your set fullscreen it will be windowed=0 and full screen borderless=1. Then when you exit the sim.and go back, you’ll see those settings reverted back to windowed=1 and full screen borderless=1.

Files read only so it cant hehehehe ;p
That was just my dumass not paying enough attention at the time.
BTW I tried raytracing=1 and lost two fps (maybe?) and didnt see anything that looked like it was being ray traced lol…

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