Wheres the hotfix

Actually I have more than recommended. My current computer was bought few days before SU5 came out. The internet is 1GiB. I have no mods, made a clean install, and I have very litte stuff installed apart from the sim. When I installed the sim on this computer (SU4), everything was working fine. So I can’t really see what me (and so many others) are doing wrong about complaining.

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Well, I don’t agree MSFS is “worths nothing”. I have enjoyed it from the moment of my purchase and I am still enjoying it. I feel bad for you not enjoying it… but I have read all that. I think you need to speak for yourself. If your only issue is Cessna Citation and your favorite Citation addin did not work after SU-5, why are you complaining about all of MSFS ? Instead of joining the wolves, you could try solve your issue with another question in the topic, a workaround, or… choose another aircraft until issues with Longitude are solved ?


The scope of this hotfix will be limited. For other fixes we’ll have to wait for SU6, and SU7.

That’s been one of the more intolerable aspects and the cause of the dissatisfactory customer service experience. When they break something, they don’t allow you to revert. They make you wait months to fix it.


I can’t think of a single MMO that allows you to revert to a prior patch.

When was the last time you had any game that allowed you to revert to a previous patch?


Some solo games allow that. X games from Egosoft allow that. PH3 ports of Japanese games also allow that. And there are probably others. You need a proper client though, so something like Steam and not the joke that is Windows Store.

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What I meant was about the money I payed when I bought the sim. Telling me to get another sim, like if I had MSFS2020 for free is not right.
And my problems are alot more than the longitude. That’s only an example of something I bought (deluxe) that is broken since day 1 and nothing was done by asobo. If it wasnt the free mod from darkfly it would not be possible to use it for propper flight simulation. And now we are told to take all the mods out lol.
The problems me and many other are facing, are CTD’s, quality degradation to accomodate other platform, and more recently fps degradation over time (long flights). It was not like this when we bought the sim on the day of it’s release.
Am I so wrong in being upset? I dont think so.
My flight sim experiences started in the late 80’s, with the ZX Spectrum 48k. Titles like “fighter pilot” and “cobalt” so I have seen quite a bit over the years. This sim was spectacular on it’s release, and now it’s a total disaster in my opinion, and I am seriously doubting Asobo will ever be able to deliver a solid platform at least in the next few years as they are clearly lacking of the necessary professionals Careers | Asobo Studio. We will get alot of nice sceneries tho :wink:


When was the last time you bought a product and had the manufacturer force you to downgrade it five months later?

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MSFS isn’t a solo game

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Alright then, keep your secrets. :wink:

The answer you were looking for is almost certainly none. As far as downgrades are concerned, did you ever play Star Wars: Galaxies? That’s my answer. It was all but ruined.

Once more, focus on the topic, not on each other. We’ve kept this thread open as long as we can, but it is reaching a point where the Signal-to-Noise ratio is ridiculously low. Get it back on track folks.


Do we have any news on the hotfix coming this weel?


I am not noticing any significant degradation.
Last night’s flight…
Note the showers…


Yup, same here. What I would say is however that the way I got to be in this position was to reinstall the game (yes, I do still think of this as just a game atm) on a HDD. It seemed that MSFS had been becoming less and less enamoured with the SSD I had it installed on. If you have the option, try reinstalling on a different drive. Worked for me 100%.

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I have been on a HDD since day one. Sure the initial load time gives me time to go get a beer and have a pee before the sim is up, but after that, smooth and quick. I have had 0 issues other than the standard bugs which were fixed along the way.

I have never seen any of the scenery/cloud issues that keep coming up here. My gut tells me that the time spent looking for these ‘fails’, that many report, far out weigh the time spent just flying, for many. I spent some time at the beginning getting my settings tuned to keep my GPU cruising around 90% and my CPU around 65-70% and now I just go fly.

I still see some odd artifacts and some really ■■■■■■ photogrammetry on occasion but in general photogrammetry IS ■■■■■■ and a fledgling tech that makes no difference to the usability of the sim. Probably the most distracting is the strange shadow/reflection effects that show up some times in the cockpit, when the lighting is just right.

Note the windshield pillar from last nights flight…

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photogrammetry start looking good only if you set both of your LODs above 3, while setting them 5 and above gives the optimum result.

when it comes to clouds, I guess we will have to wait for a while to get them back, crisp and genuine 3D.

BTW, no hotfix today, either. We’ll then call it a coldfix when out.

That would just effect how far out they start looking good. Even at the lower settings they should still look good if you are close enough.

I am guessing you didn’t look at the attached screenshots above. Clouds look pretty genuine to me. 3d even.

Some of the photogrammetry looks terrible even after fully loaded. Go take a rip around CYVR. Downtown Vancouver is well modelled but the PG textures look terrible. This is an example of the early attempts at computer generated PG that just doesn’t work well.

From CYVR run down to Seattle. They attempted to do a PG forest. Didn’t work very well.

This will improve as they slowly figure out the technology and the available data becomes more refined. But for now, it really is just a novelty.

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This was a picture I took earlier, trying to replicate another users night lighting from a previous version. It’s custom, and I had tweaked the clouds by hand to try to match the original as best I could, and I think its pretty close.

The clouds always look better when you make them taller by dragging the top, and bottom lines apart. The cumulous clouds always look good to me. The ones that tend to look a bit ropey, usually on live weather, are the very thin, wispy layers of the stratus type. Other than those I think they look great.

Regarding the PG, it’s true that quality differs from city to city. Some of Japan’s PG is pretty good, as is Venice.


totally agree, I believe that msfs is too complicated to let users to roll back to a previous build.

we’ll keep going with the notorious break-and-fix-then-break-again-and-fix loop for a long while ahead.