Which Aircraft are at the top of your wishlist for third-party devs to make?

+1 for the Jug

Wouldn’t mind a
Piper PA31 Navajo Panther or a
North American B25 Mitchell


Mistubishi A6M4 ZERO - sadly only two air worthy aircraft in the world to study and make after,not many in museums too.
Anything Commercial/cargo that has steam guages,multiple engines and flies fast and can operate out of not so paved airfields.


You mean, this one?

EDIT: Oh, 4, sorry. I don’t know much about them soz. There was a freeware one but it’s not available now on .to.

thanks yeah no issues the last numbering is quite confusing for many,need some study level zero would be so much fun to fly.

The Mig-17 is in development by Bear Studios, creator of the Mig-15 that was released within the past year (and is NOT to be confused with the ■■■■■■ MScenery Mig-15).


Wonder if it’ll be on Xbox. I don’t know anything about Bear Studios. Good developer?

Intent is to bring it to both pc and xbox, I think the -15 finally made it to both platforms through the marketplace after initially being pc-only for a few months. Graphically they’re not cutting edge, but good systems and flight dynamics, and now that the developer is out of prison in China (seriously), he is responsive on FSDeveloper.com .

For the 15, reference: https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/released-bear-studios-mig-15/

  • De Havilland Hornet / Sea Hornet
  • De Havilland Mosquito
  • Hawker Sea Fury
  • Republic P-47N Thunderbolt
  • Grumman F8F Bearcat
  • Short Sunderland
  • Saunders-Roe Princess
  • Avro Canada CF-105 Arrow
  • BAC TSR-2
  • English Electric Lightning

Wouldn’t be surprised if Dave Garwood updates his very good Mosquito for FSX/P3D and brings it to MSFS. He just did so with his Hawker Hunters and they are amazing. May want to reach out to him to see if he has any plans to.


Evektor Sportstar or Harmony would be nice

in FSX there is one ,but not in fs2020

I agree. A good Flogger to the same level of detail as GKS’s MiG-21 would be fantastic.

I want an F-5B the dual seater one looks awesome <3

Especially if the bang seats cohuld be modelled…

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Would love to see a Study level Jetstream 31/32/41 models




Ugh. I’ve been following that MiG-23 on YouTube for a while. It’s heartbreaking to see it auger in. I’m glad the crew safely ejected.

You spelt 41 wrong

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The Twin Otter on Xbox, the turboprop familly is poor on Xbox, some of them are very good, but the Twin Otter is missing. Would be awesome to have it.

The Twin otter was pulled from the Marketplace for both PC and XBOX after Aerosoft announced that it was sold to another developer earlier this year.

It is still available to purchase on PC from other third party sellers but unfortunately you are out of luck on XBOX until the new Dev reveals themselves and their plans for it.

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I knew this. It’s sad, because there is so much « look alike » planes on the marketplace, but this flying legend is not here. People who travel the world often had to fly with it, I flew often in a Twin Otter. So I put it in my wishlist because it could give an idea to another developper to do this plane instead of doing a 5th or 6th version of the same Boeing or Airbus…