Which Aircraft are at the top of your wishlist for third-party devs to make?

Considering airliners, A350 is currently one of the most advanced and beautiful aircraft which has not been accurately modelled yet upto study level and accurately with all systems working by any developer yet. I really wish study level aircraft developers like Aerosoft and likes now venture into this new aircraft.

As PMDG has already stated that they are in the works on a completely new airliner that the community always wanted (not sure, but highly probable its the Boeing 787 lineup), its high time that a study level A350 is also developed.
A study level A350 would be awesome in the sim.

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a350 by aerosoft is possible, since they are airbus devs. PMDG 787 I’m not sure since qualitywings has already confirmed their 787 collection will come to the sim and this is already study level, maybe a little bit below PMDG quality, but definately not bad, maybe as good as PMDG. So not so propable anymore…Having that said, I don’t know what they are planning or where you found that they are working on a new airliner?

I would buy a study level TBM940 with autothrottle and the save your skin autoland feature.

I just need a goddam A2A anything.


There are no study level airliners, that would require direct licensing from the manufacturer. All these addons are mere 3d shells without any elements of realism.

I also “vote” for Scrappy. Would love to see Mike partner up with a developer to make a super realistic replica for MSFS, including that crazy full panel… all functioning.

Huh? Not seein it. Just a vague hint that they might do something different. But no model number clues…

Yes I know that…thats why I said “ its probable ”. And why I expect that is because they have written that its an aircraft which the community has always wanted and as far as I know by seeing their forums and all, there has been a long demand from pmdg for a study level 787. Moreover they posted a picture few days before/after this forum post where a small portion of the rear of a dreamliner was visible in far distance.Maybe that was an intentional hint. Though,as I said, its a wild guess at this stage. The new aircraft might be a 737 MAX also. :crazy_face:

But anyways, it would be great if pmdg comes out with a 787 anytime.

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Ah Okay yes I definately agree with you PMDG 787 would be awesome but by the screenshots of Qualitywings PMDG has a very high quality to live up to, since Qualitywings 787 is already almost flawless

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Epic E1000


A 320 neo fully functional!!!

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I see no evidence for this at all, much as I would love to. PDMG have always done big planes.

It would be so cool to see them do a couple of serious small planes like the TBM940.

I have no interest at all in a TBM 940 with a micky mouse autothrottle. It has to work right, or forget the whole 940 project.

We don’t need more micky mouse autothrottles in this sim. We have quite enough of them already in the included heavies. They are hopelessly clumsy and inadequate at everything they do.

Far too much time is being wasted developing complex planes which are never going to be any where near completed or correct. I wish the devs would concentrate on fixing the platform, the environment and the SDK and let others who have much better plane knowledge build the planes. I mean, they can’t even fix a plane at the level of the TBM930 without yo-yo bugs which come and go and come again as each update arrives. I think they are just trying to do far too much - I mean - 40 planes?? We don’t need that. But of course - silly me - that sells…

We seem to be spending an awful lot of dev time on heavies which are only ever going to please those who have little idea of how a real airliner works. So novices can go ‘look mum, I’m flying a jumbo’…

PMDG and others will eventually deliver the goods for this sim, as they have for others, but they need that SDK to be completed. Meantime I enjoy the GA planes and the TBM930 such as it is and await the day when the study level planes arrive from 3rd parties, and the platform gets fixed, and the weather works properly, and I don’t keep finding fork lift trucks in the middle of the runway, or tanker lorries driving across the live runway as I land. These are the things Asobo should be working on, and platform stuff like DX12, so I don’t keep seeing poor frame rates with my CPU and GPU only running at 25% and sometimes less.

I mean, I can’t even properly save a flight for future continuation in this sim. I try saving FLT files, but it doesn’t properly remember the state if the flight, and when I load it the next day, often I get dumped on top of another plane which is already using the same ramp. It’s the first sim where you cannot continue on long multi-leg journey across different days.

I reckon things will be looking different in around another year. If you accept that we are all testers at this time, it all starts to make sense, apart from the fact we paid for it…

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For me: Level D Boeing 767-300er to fly medium as well as long range, and something old like a Klemm 25 to replicate historic flights of Elli Beinhorn or similar.

A high quality H125 / AS350B3 helicopter would be my dream



It would definitely be a nice memorial to have Draco in there some day!

We need a big range of Pipers!

Twin Comanche

Really, I’d love to have the PA-310P Piper Malibu with traditional avionics and a glass cockpit variant. It’s just one of the best single engine piston personal airliners out there. Great range and efficiency and a decent useful load.

Any love for the Piper legacy?


I second this one. The Quest Kodiak with floats would be awesome. Lionheart Creations may be working on it. Not sure. Their FSX Kodiak was great.

Majestic Q400 Dash 8, of course ;o)
PMDG NGXu, of course :o)

I flew as a passenger in an MU2 out of Yellowknife to several remote strips in Canada’s Northwest Territories. The cabin was indeed quite luxurious, as I recall. I was just a kid at the time and my father took me on a milk run-a business trip - visiting several remote communities in a single day. Most of the airstrips we landed at were gravel-no problem for the MU2. It was a very smooth plane in the air and seemed very fast - just one step away from jet speeds. More practical than a jet on those rough gravel strips. Another thing that our plane had was a nice color weather radar - pretty advanced equipment for the 1970s. It seemed a valuable feature since you weren’t likely to get much current weather information in the north country.