Which Aircraft are at the top of your wishlist for third-party devs to make?

Just Flights Falke 25 would be nice.

And a little thing like that would stop you? Top marks my man.

It’s about to be released for MSFS.

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No,Birddog could be fun ,now there is a 170 incoming,it just gets better eh.
Very nice screenie btw.

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For realism, we should be able to land the MD-11 inverted :rofl:

As far as I know both of my top wishlist aircraft are being developed, i.e. the Beaver and the DC3.

Beyond that, I’d like more classic and vintage aircraft. We haven’t had a good 707 in any sim in while now, but I’ll take a 727 too.

If Aerosoft continues to remake aircraft they’ve done before, then my next wish from them would be the Catalina for sure.

I’m not too worried about modern airliners - I like flying them but they’re guaranteed to come, although I sure hope we finally get an A380 (I know it’s planned but I hope it makes it all the way to the finish line)

Edit oh and I forgot to mention the Caravelle. Aeroplane Heaven are developing it but they haven’t communicated about it in many months - it certainly looks like it’s on the backburner


Who is developing the Beaver? I would like to keep an eye on that.

It looks like MilViz according to this FlightSim.com post from last August


Well, it’s on hold apparently but I was referring to that freeware one:

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Ours is on it’s way. Coding is happening.


Since we have the whole world at our disposal, we ought to have a Lockheed Electra 10e, so we can attempt Amelia Earhart’s around the world flight in the actual aircraft.


Wondrful looking aircraft.Like that idea.
What about an air race like they used to hold back in the old days
Anyone making a Mossie ,the wooden wonder ,should win .


Also, what about flying the Atlantic in a Ryan NYP, or trying to fly to Hawaii (to capture the Dole prize) in a Travel Air?

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I really hope someone does a good Electra for MSFS! I really like flying the one that comes with P3D - it’s one of the few default ones that are worth flying.


I want it.

Sure, why not. While you are in the cockpit, you can’t see how ugly it is. :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously though, I’m not much of a fan of warbirds in civvy sims, since they necessarily lack functionality. I could make an exception for this though, just for it’s quirkiness. But only as long as there is a fully-functional aircraft carrier to fly it off. One with a realistic catapult, and more importantly realistic trapping. If you can just plonk the thing down anyhow, and have it catch the wire every time, it takes the fun out of it. Landing on a carrier should be hard. It should be scary. And ideally (per DCS) it should have an AI LSO-bot to score your landings. Anyone who’s flown the DCS Hornet will be familiar with this sort of thing:


I’ll not translate that to plain English (parts of it would violate forum rules), but basically it comes down to the bot telling me I should never have landed at all, I should transfer to submarines immediately, and that if I don’t he will beat me to death with an arrestor hook.


F4U Corsair ,P-38 Lightning

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Uh… the Corsair is already out… (the FG-1D is, essentially, the same as the F4U…)

The P38L is on it’s way as well…