Which rudder pedals?

Thank you.

Thanks everyone for your advice. I ended up with the Thrustmaster T.Flight rudder pedals. While they aren‘t exactly high quality I‘m happy with them. I didn’t want to spend to much money and I mainly fly airliners, so they suffice me needs.


Im very happy with the MFG corsswind pedals which I’ve been using for the past 3 months. Very well built and have a good feel to them. I just ordered the hydraulic dampener to add to it.


v2 or v3? My v3’s plus hydraulic damper should be with me tomorrow.

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I have v3 (I assumed because it was ordered in 2021 and is tapped for the damper)


I’ve been using my v3’s plus damper for the last few hours. It makes a big difference to control. I turned the spring down to be quite weak, a little more tight than stopping it from flapping around. I then turned the damper up a few notches from the weakest.

It feels really good, and for me at least the biggest change is it effectively eliminates that flip flopping you sometimes get when change rapidly from left to right.

I’ll experiment with different settings on the damper to find which feels the most comfortable. Well worth the £30, and can be retrofitted to v2s as well, as a separate kit.

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I bought the MFG Crosswind V3 on Monday, and thought it would be here sometime next week.

Surprise, surprise: Was delivered only 2 hours ago.

I did include the damper and the #5 Cam in the order.

Can’t wait to assemble and test it out.
Can’t wait


I have the same. They are really good. I have the v2’s as well. The v3’s don’t seem to offer much extra other than the far easier fitting of the hydraulic damper.

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Eventually, did the VIRPIL VPC ACE Interceptor Pedals works without any additional driver or application ?

Hi there Virpil has it’s own set up (driver and app, I already had it installed since I had their control panel) but it is very easy to install and I’m very happy with the rudder pedals, it totally changed my landings in strong winds.

Thanks for your answers @sgorlx21,
I will surely go with the ACE Interceptor at some point, when budget will be there, I just wondering if we can get rid of the driver and/or application usage by uninstall it and the rudder pedals will still work ? What was the need on your own with the need to install it, did you already tried to uninstall ? Which is the behavior without it ? Are they not seen as joystick axis devices before any application or driver install ?

[EDIT] What’s also the purpose of these application ? Just re read you also own the panels which would require those apps, however what about the rudders by themselves in the apps ?

Well, I can’t answer you that as everything is installed, never tried to get rid of it because it works fine. I also have other drivers installed (Aviatek and realsimgear and the honeycomb) and they all are working fine🙂 Perhaps if you ask Virpil team before buying, they also give great support.

Thanks in any case and good idea. I guess the rudders wouldn’t require the apps at all, however I will send a request to the support

I’ve been using CH pro pedals for 8 years without a problem.


After reviewing all the good suggestions in this thread, I finally decided to get a set of pedals despite telling myself I never would.

I decided on the ThrustMaster pedals. They were $90 on sale at Amazon and they integrate easily into my existing ThrustMaster throttle’s RJ12 port.

Having differential wheel braking is very nice.

But oh boy, do I have a serious mental block. My mind thinks they should work exactly opposite of how they do. My brain wants to think pushing the right pedal forward swings the right side of the plane around (and thus turning left). Like a steering wheel. Nope, not how it works in real life. I’m swerving all over the place on the taxiway and runway. :laughing:

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Sounds like you are thinking like driving a tank. It will settle in soon, and become second nature. Just keep practicing.

I am looking at getting TPR but some reviews ae saying the pedal position is more suited to a sim pit and is uncomfortable from a standard desk chair. has anyone with TPR had this issue ?

You spent too much time in soap box cars/carts as a kid.

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For me it isn’t terrible from a desk chair (and I am 6’ 4"). But I failed to predict the issue I would encounter having casters on my desk chair while situated on top of a plastic floor mat… every time I moved the pedals or apply the brakes, it pushes my desk chair away from the pedals :slight_smile: Was very awkward. I have to block my desk chair from rolling when I’m using the TPRs.

I think you’ll like them a lot. Very sturdy and professional.



You can thank me later :smiley: