Maybe it is me but I dont get why there has been an effort creating a racing car in a flight simulator?
Having a setup for flying one can hardly simulate an F1 racing car properly?
Is this a sign of things to come? I am sure that there are good racing simulators out there so why post this in the MSFS Market place?
I dont get it. I think I would have preferred a new plane. Sorry, just my opinion.
It was this year‘s April fools from inibuilds.
But I agree, kind of useless.
Helps with the LOD to stay at ground level.
That’s a good tip. I will endeavour to fly below the tree tops in the future
I downloaded a ‘buggy’ to ride around in just as a curiosity a few years ago. I remember thinking it was stupid for someone to go to the trouble to do this in a flight simulator, but I found a few places (very few) where the ‘streets’ were flat enough to drive around. I thought it was pretty fun and I did it a few more times, but never did it again. Of course that was created by some random guy on and not a plane developer, so no planes were harmed in the creation of that mod.
Similarly with the various boat mods people make. People just like the technical challenge and also explore the potential of what could be done within the simulator.
I think its great and expect a lot more of that of thing with FS2024. Especially if it looks a lot better a ground level than the current version does. The virtual twin earth they’ve created almost seems like its wasted on merely being ‘just’ for a flight simulator. Why not do a lot more with it?
This is actually nothing new. I remember way back in the day I would find these things on Simviation.
You fly your way, I’ll drive my way.
And if you don’t like how I drive, stay off the sidewalk…
But about the car: This game could learn a lot from racing sims. People might dismiss ground handling as being unimportant to a flight simulator, but they’re wrong. Learning to handle the aircraft during takeoff and landing in various wind conditions, soft field, short field is a big part of learning to fly. The game’s current modeling of most of that is… how you say?.. crap. I really hope they find a way to improve it in MSFS 2024.
I just saw it and it was saying Inibuilds on it? MSFS2024 preparation??
some of the better airports are quite large and its a good way to get around for a look see - instead of the camera drone. There was a nice 3PD Willy’s jeep in old FSX that was perfect for the job
I remember the video they made for April 1st.
But… since they now surprisingly actually released the car… does it still qualify as an april fools joke?
I am drawn to posts like this because of hilariously irreverent comic relief.
Yes you are correct. So if there had been an airport ground handling vehecle like the Gourmet truck or baggage trolley then it would have been a worthwhile contribution. A raicing car in a flight simulator is just a huge waste of effort and I criticise MS for including it. MSFS wants to be a serious simulator and amusing as it may be, if we are not careful we will end up as a kiddy game with flying donuts. A completely wasted opportunity .
FS2020 is a flight simulator, and also a world simulator. The world contains roads.
Why be bothered by something other people might enjoy? How does having a racing car available hurt your flying fun?
We don’t need racing cars…what we need are trains!
Xplane has real moving trains and they add a lot to the immersion of VFR flights.
“There are more things in heaven and earth the Marketplace, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
i think forza horizon 5 will soon have an aircraft DLC