Why are some Cockpits so Dark at Day Time?

Hi Guys,

Why are the Cockpits so Dark at Day Time? Becasue i cant read often clearly the Data from the ND and PFD in the A320 etc.

I have to look with the Kamera a bit down to read clearly the data from the pfd and ND?
I dont know but when it would be so in reallife i think it would be a safety risk.

regards Legendsy

I’ve circled the Brightness controls for you.

Yes but this issue happens also when i have the brighness controls set up to full brightness or 100% brightness

This may help you understand what is going on —

Yeah this is an issue. You can’t even see the fine details like markings and stuff because it’s too dark.

Hopefully Asobo fixes it soon.

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This is the eye adaptation effect. The bright light outside is overpowering. Your eyes compensate by reducing the iris to reduce the glare. The result is that objects not as bright as the sky outside get much darker. By looking down into the cockpit and allowing the eyes to adjust to the light level below the glare shield the panel looks normal. As you look back up the eyes readjust to to brightness outside and the interior goes dark again.

The sim struggles because you have to physically reduce the percentage of the screen displaying the bright sky to get the adaptation effect to brighten the interior. It isn’t wrong, it’s just strange. Try reading a book by holding it up so there is a bright light source directly inline with your vision. Unless there is substantial light from behind you the book will merely become a silhouette with no discernable printing. Raise the book to block out the bright light and, poof, the words reappear.


It isn’t wrong, -------- the effect is just OVERDONE in MSFS !!

Maybe its realistic for a 90 year old set of eyeballs !!

For ref see:

You brought that up solely for my benefit? :wink:


cockpits look extremely realistic. This “darkness” is what you would get in a no direct light situation. Same in real life. Actually, msfs is the only flight sim that correctly depict this, so please, don’t make devs doubt about what looks absolutely fantastic.


Myself, and many other RW Pilot would disagree with you, but in the sim, it is very subjective, and one size does not fit all.
(ie Its very dependent on Video settings, Monitor setting, room lighting and how young/good your eyes are.)

That is why the request to Asobo, is NOT to REMOVE this feature, but instead, to make it variable on a slider, so users can adjust it to what they believe is the optimum setting for them.


Simply not true. In real ife your eyes compensate for the change in lighting but letting in more light in dim situations, not by seeing things darker. They got it backwards.

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Correctly? It’s done poorly!

Similar discussion:

This is correct unless the majority of your vision is saturated by very bright daylight. Then the eye shuts down the amount of light allowed in resulting in low lit areas appearing much darker than they really are. I an aircraft, shifting your view into the cockpit allows the eyes to adjust again for the lower light.

In the sim, this is NOT backwards. It is exactly how it should work. You look outside at the brightly lit environment and the darker cockpit appears darker. shift your view down and reduce the percentage of your view that is saturated and the cockpit looks normal.

It is a bit over done though.


Not only the displays but the entire dash is too dark… I’ve always felt that there should be an " Interior" gamma adjustment slider

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This adjustment would be an “Interior Gamma slider”.

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yes, Ideally there should be both an
" Interior Gamma slider”
and a
“Exterior Gamma slider”
“Eye Adaption strength Slider”

Then everyone can set the SIM as they want it, depending on their own equipment, monitor, room lighting etc


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I kinda took offense, too. :smirk:

The reason for the darkness is the absence of so-called global illumination which is a term used for secondary light bouncing. As such at the moment any light ray in the sim is modelled to hit one pixel and disappear whereas in real life it will bounce multiple times progressively fading down creating colour bleeding and additional illumination. This effects requires more advanced ray calculation algorithm so called ray tracing and specifically global illumination. Currently it’s not implemented for performance reasons as it’s extremely resource heavy. dx12 will pave the way for the implementation of secondary bounce as it’s natively supported subject to Asobo implementing this part of the api in the sim. I’ve been able to play around with global illumination in the sim and here is what it looks like (albeit it’s limited to screen space rays)