There’s a reason you aren’t seeing any liveries for default aircraft from 2020 now in 2024 like the 787, 152, 172, DA40 NG, DA40 tDi, TBM930, Baron, Bonanza etc. Asobo have changed the aircraft so dramtically no-one has been able to work out how to get a livery working. Even once we got our head around the new file structure, these aircraft resist all attempts to show a livery.
You can usually get liveries for any default aircraft developed outside of Asobo working in 2024. But using the same methods on the other aircraft like the 787 produces nothing other than an all white livery. Why?
Any liveries for aircraft still in the old 2020 format but operating in 2024 are quite easy to convert.
Most livery creators believe that getting access to the source files (currently hidden or encrypted) will solve all the problems. But I have my doubts. Our best case scenario could be that every livery will have to be created again from nothing. The worst case scenario is that add-on liveries are a thing of the past.
The method Asobo use to create different liveries is to modify the 3d model. This represents a huge amount of work, and requires skills beyond the majority of livery creators. But it gives great performance benefits for lower end PCs and XBox. The method livery creators use is to modify the base textures. This is a 100 times less time consuming than modifying the 3d model, but looks just as good in most cases. But it is not the method of choice for Asobo, as they always have to consider performance limitations of XBox.
Asobo have provided zero help to livery creators, in spite of them being responsible for the huge library of free content that made MSFS 2020 such a success. Whether this was just an oversight or planned is anyone’s guess. Whatever the reason, it has resulted in no 3rd party liveries for certain aircraft in 2024.
Hey all. I have been really annoyed by this as well. Not even the default 787 liveries are good. They are waaaaayy too matt, and if you zoom out they start dissaperaing. And they showed United 787 in the trailer so I expected there to be a United 787 livery. I hope that this issue will be resolved soon.
I reached out to Microsoft, and they told me to delete the following folder for MS store version: C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.Limitless_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\StreamedPackages
and this one for the steam version
C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024\StreamedPackages
I deleted the folder but it did not fix anything. Then they told me that there isn’t anything else I can do about it and I should just wait. That’s sad, because I paid extra for the Premium Deluxe version, specifically to fly the 787. You should try to delete the folder and hopefully it will fix it for you.
Same here.
For those that see more than these 4 liveries, did / do you own the MSFS 2020 Premium Deluxe Edition?
Owners of MSFS 2020 Premium Deluxe Edition may have a different versions of aircraft in 2024 than users who purchased 2024 PD but did not own the same edition in 2020 (e.g. see this example here).
This may explain why folks are seeing different liveries.
I currently own the standard version of MSFS2020, not the Premium Deluxe edition. Does this mean I need both the MSFS2020 and MSFS2024 Premium Deluxe versions to get access to all of the 787 liveries?
I honestly don’t know. There are numerous reports of folks missing aircraft and / or liveries from the default editions in their Library, or having different versions of the same aircraft, & no-one has (AFAIK) come up with a good explanation of why this should be. The Zendesk appears not to know either.
FWIW, after opting into the SU1 Beta for FS2024, I appear to have lost the United livery shown in my screenshot above.
I went into my Library, disabled the FS2024 787-10 and enabled my legacy FS2020 Premium Deluxe 787-10 to get access to Simbrief again, as I had done several weeks ago in the mainline sim release. After doing so, I still do not have access to the United livery when customizing the plane for free flight.
However - and I regret not taking a screenshot - when I searched for “787” in the Library screen, it showed available liveries including United. Go figure.
EDIT: I managed to load into the SU1 Beta and there it is:
What I said was true at the time. But things have moved on since then and it is now possible to create liveries for SOME default 2024 aircraft. This is no thanks to Asobo and only thanks to a very few of the MSFS community.
But it is still not possible to create liveries for many default like the 152, 172, DA40NG, TBM930, Baron, Bonanza. The only way to get a livery working for the 152, 172, DA40 etc is to import the 2020 mods for these aircraft into 2024, like the DA40 NGX or any of the Bagolu 172s as these use the 2020 3d models and with a little work existing 2020 liveries can be made to work.
The 787 is one of those aircraft that it is now possible to create liveries for 2024. Even so, existing 2020 787 liveries can’t be reused or converted. Instead they must be recreated from the start. I had a request recently for a 787 livery but the there are problems like mirrored textures on the vertical fin that Asobo didn’t fix when upgrading the 2020 model for 2024. This limits 787 liveries to only those that already have mirrored tail graphics. I didn’t investigate further so there may be other problems preventing liveries.
As I mentioned Asobo have provide zero help for livery creators, and this hasn’t changed. Even though add on liveries greatly enhance the MSFS experience and played a big part in making MSFS so popular.