Why do the highway lights now look like something out of Tron?

These don’t look so ridiculous in major cities, but no highway in the sticks looks like this. Anyone else agree?


No worries, it was on oversight by the devs when they worked on v5. They confirmed in the meantime that major parts of the night lighting will be reversed to how it was before update 5 with the next patch. Looks like they listen to the community :slight_smile:


Can you please point me to where can I find that confirmation by the devs? Thanks :slight_smile:


Source of information please. Thanks


Hopefully, they are NOT listening to the community on some issues and instead making items become a “simulation” of the real world counterpart and not what people think would be ideal of course in some cases.

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They acknowledged that lighting at night irl does NOT look like in the OPs screenshot.

That’s why I put in that I hope they are NOT listening on SOME issues of the community and modeling real life instead of what people think.

It looks horrible in rural areas. It’s okay in larger cities.

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I do not believe this is acknowledged. I believe this is the result of the work they did for the last patch. From my work, double checking and trying to find the issue, I believe this is an AI algorithm placing the lights either too high, and a second light for the ground effect, or a duplicated light pattern on a wrong plane (mesh).

I have placed a zen desk report for it. If you are experiencing it, place a report too please.

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So you acknowledge that they acknowledge that night lighting should be reversed to what it was before patch 5. Now, that’s very good!

I acknowledged that their guide shouldn’t be people but reality. When the simulator reflects that then they must have listened.

We must’ve missed that part.
Any source of this claim? Video + timestamp or post-link would help those wondering. :+1:

Where and when was this acknowledged, multiple people keep asking you this and you keep ignoring it.

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About 26:50

Sounds like they WANT all roads to have lights lol. No where did they say anything night lighting being reversed as stated in this thread.

Not watched the video as about to hit the hay (will do in the morning)…

Personally I would like to see most these floating orbs disappear (like do not render mesh in unity type thing), ruins the experience…

Maybe the current amount (but smaller) in city/built up areas/main roads and motorways (street lamp level and size?) but ruins flying about outside city’s imho…

…Not sure why they cant hide the spheres and just have the light rendered in wide open areas.
Along highways and in built up areas they could lass as street lights if smaller maybe, that’s fine but for a number of releases now I have been flying through the country sides at an altitude around 500 -1000 feet or more and it’s like I am flying past an albino air balloon competition😂

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Many thx for link & timestamp to the night-related part.
But it’s confirmation to the claim below we were looking for, nowhere yet to be found in the video.

I mean, it didn’t address anything that LittlePilot was saying, and the Q&A was done before the patch was released with the awful new lighting. But if you’re happy that’s good.