Why do we call it MSFS instead of MFS?

Isn’t Microsoft one word?

Yes it is one word but it’s still a combination of two words Micro and Soft.

Looking at the history, all Microsoft Products and services has always use MS as an abbreviation in an official capacity. MS-DOS for example, which stands for Microsoft Disk Operating System. Nobody called it as MDOS back then.

Same with MSN which is short for Microsoft Network. Nobody called it MN at the time.

So we call it MSFS because of this trend throughout history. Maybe it’s not exactly officially called as MSFS, but looking at the trend that any products and services that has a Microsoft label on them uses MS as a prefix abbreviation. So it’s safe to assume that Microsoft Flight Simulator is also called as MSFS and not MFS.

Other notable abbreviation is Microsoft Developer Network which is MSDN, not MDN. There are exceptions to this though, like the Microsoft Systems Journal which has an abbreviation of MSJ and not MSSJ. It’s probably used to simplify it instead of repeating the S letter.


An abbreviation consisting of the first letter or letters of words in a phrase (for example, IRS for Internal Revenue Service ), syllables or components of a word ( TNT for trinitrotoluene ), or a combination of words and syllables ( ESP for extrasensory perception ) and pronounced by spelling out the letters one by one rather than as a solid word.


I remember days after the release we had this conversation about the abbreviation. Actually I clearly remember different people using MFS, MSFS, FS2020, and a few others. There was no official statement other than to call it Microsoft Flight Simulator without 2020. After a week or two it was clear that MSFS won and was already the most commonly used abbreviation, so it sticked as THE abbreviation.

I think Office, Adobe Reader and Photoshop were already taken. :grin:

Joking aside, the only official name is Microsoft Flight Simulator and MSFS has become its de facto name through implicit common consent. Not to mention convention; MSTS (my other guilty pleasure) was called thus in the same way.


Also MSF has been used in the short-lived Microsoft Flight.


I still use FS2020. It feels more natural typing that as opposed to MSFS

Really though, I like to differentiate by year released (with some exceptions) like i’d shorten Flight Simulator 98 as FS98.

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Microsoft has always been short-referred as MS.


Isn’t Flighsimulator one word ?

MF !


Microsoft has always been abbreviated as MS. MS Office, MS Word, etc.

MSFS is not an official abbreviation, but has generally been accepted by the community. I believe FS2020 to be the second most common abbreviation I see.
The only official name is Microsoft Flight Simulator.


I think the real reason we call MSFS MSFS and not MFS is for fear that MFS could be misinterpreted as MicroFlight Simulator

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Good One !` We are still laughing and smiling ! But you do have a point there.

We’ve had FS9, FS10 why nobody ever says, FS11… :sweat_smile:

i mean theres only so many ways we can abbreviate the title anyway. At least we don’t do something asinine like MIcroSOft FLight SImulator or MISOFLSI lol

“Hey man, you wanna play some MISOFLSI?”
"Play some what?|

It doesn’t quite roll off the tongue like MFS or MSFS or FS2020 or whatever…


To me (being a son of the 80’s) Microsoft has always been referred to as MS.

I think FSXI sounds good, I wish they had named it that!


“MSFS” sounds like a food additive :grimacing:

You misspelt Flightsimulator.

MF is funny thou.

I come to this forum to ask a question but find only oppertunity to reply to one. How do i ask my own question in a general discussion???

Why don’t you call it Mike Sierra Foxtrot Sierra?

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