Why is everything less distinct, (inside the cockpit), in FS-2024?

Location: Santa-Domingo just north of the Christ The Redeemer POI.

The visuals in 2024, (at least within the cockpit of the DV-20) is more blurry and indistinct.  This includes both the cockpit display and the out-the-window view.


Santo-Domingo in MSFS-2020

Santo-Domingo in MSFS-2024

I would really like to know why the visuals are less distinct within the cockpit in 2024.  Is there a graphics setting I need to adjust?



I am sure there are differences, but the pictures you shared are not ideal for comparision. The sun position and weather settings doesn’t look same in the screenshots.

Oh. And are you even pointing in the same direction?


I find this as well that the cockpits look a bit sharper in 2020 than they do in 2024. There’s also this white haze on absolutely everything in 2024 which is horrible. Xbox Series X


Yea have noticed this too, everything in 2020 is just much sharper


Yes image is very ‘soft’ in MSFS 2024, I went back to 2020 yesterday after about 4 weeks absence and I was shocked at the difference


Using a similar situation to the above, can you post a comparison between cockpit and external view in 2024?

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Your FS24 image looks like it has the milky-glass bug.
What does the aircraft look like from outside?

Example here:

BTW, it seems like my G36 only has the milky glass bug in career mode. In freeflight the glass is fine, at least in my latest test.


In the graphics settings switch over to TAA and see if that makes a difference.


From outside everything is crystal clear.  From the inside, everything - including the interior view - is occluded by a milky haze.

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Here are three more pictures:  (And a strange behavior!)

Here is UUMO, (Ostafyovo, Moscow), in MSFS-2020


And here is the same airport, same runway, same time of day, in MSFS-2024

Notice that 2024 includes the seasonal snow.

Here’s the strange behavior:


I’m sitting on the runway, haven’t even released the parking brake or opened the throttle and I changed my view to the outside camera.

Kablooey!  I’m in the air, flying, at ??!!! thousand feet, and I’ll be dawgonned if I know how I got there!

The outside view is crisp and clear in 2024.  I could understand a bit of window haze if it didn’t affect the cockpit instruments too.

And for those who ask, yes - I’m wearing my glasses. :rofl:

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There is too much stuff going on that we should be able to turn off, bloom, why did they remove that option to turn off in 2024? Lens flare, WTF is this even in it for, our eyes are not cameras.



I’m beginning to get “just a little peeved” with this. . .

If I was getting four grand a week to test and troubleshoot, it wouldn’t be so bad, but I’m beginning to loose my saintly patience - I think I have 20 minutes of flying time and over 200 hours of troubleshooting time involved here!


As suggested above it’s the transparency of the canopy which has suffered a regression in 2024.

Just keep playing 2020 and come back in a few months, that is what I have decided to do. 2020 works great and has all the good third parts addons and mods.

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. . .except that the interior of the aircraft is masked by a milky haze too.

Does my avatar need to clean his glasses?

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Yes. Went back to 2020 today and was surprised by the crispness of the interior cockpit.Obviously some sort of lighting compromise. X Plane has also been struggling with cockpit lighting for the latest version. Difficult to replicate what the eye can perceive.

No, it is simply a bug, caused on some systems and some aircraft.

i find that the the cockpits of some 2020 models look weird in 2024, something’s off with them but i cant say exactly what
the “native” 2024 models look better

Another thing is the landing lights, even if there is no fog it looks like there is a massive haze around the aircraft.

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Yeah, as some one who has tired old eyes this is definitely true. The C-172 is worse and I just had the chance to compare the B-787 as they enabled the 2020 version in 2024 and the button labels are just crisp in 2020. Of course the 2020 does not recognize what an ILS is, but heck the labels are better.

PS Since I notice some VRAM people here, the FPS of the 2020 B-787 is much much better than 2024… a lot of useless polygons in 2024?