Will MFS PC version from now be bottlenecked by the Console?

I don’t. They don’t know how it was. Feel bad for us who spent thousands in hardware and now have the equivalent quality you get on a $500 console.


With the versions being 95% the same, this seems an impractical and commercially problematic suggestion in my view. :thinking:

Please don’t feel bad, I’m finding the Xbox version to be awesome, so even if PC users have it even better, 10 days ago I didn’t have it at all. :thinking:

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Agreed. It would be better for the code to make some checks on which system it is running on, and adjust accordingly. A more dynamic memory allocation regime based on detected hardware would be best perhaps? Instead of hard limits across the board regardless of platform. You still maintain unified code, but it is then flexible.

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It’s not like it isn’t already doing exactly that. There’s just the fact that higher end PCs have not enough options to use the additional resources right now.

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True enough, they just need to reverse whatever they did as it was “fine” before, for some values of “fine”.

Not everything was fine, people with high end systems were struggling with intermittent stutters and freezes. I really don’t think there are many that really want what we had.
They just have to add more options to use the hardware but still benefit from the optimizations, that’s it. And given the stress for XBox release, it’s just a matter of waiting for those affected.

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True, and I would never advocate a reversion to the previous build. Let’s add to what we have rather than go backwards.


Well now they can’t reverse what they did because low end PC hardware gamers are ecstatic that they can run the game on Ultra and get 60 FPS over New York. They dug themselves into a hole.

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Not really, but it may be that Ultra in the future may not be the Ultra of today. Let’s say for argument that they do raise the ceiling, so instead of having a setting above Ultra, Ultra just gives more shinies. That might force those on lower end systems having to run at something less than Ultra, and even though it may make no visual changes at all, they will most likely claim that it does.

Though the changes people are seeing now are not to do with a Low<>Ultra slider, rather an integer value where 200 no longer appears to be the 200 we had pre-patch, leading to hand editing a text file to set it to 400=4, rather than 200=2 which is all the GUI allows for.

I don’t think they can dig themselves out of this one without upsetting one crowd or another. There is also the commercial interest to make the Box look like the best gaming thing out there. Therefore they’ll go with what’s best for them and sacrifice the minority: High end PC gamers. That’s probably why it’s taking them so long to “get their ducks in a row” on communication.

If they do the right thing and give us back what we had, I will eat my words. But it doesn’t seem likely or this wouldn’t have happened in the first place.


This should help you skip that ‘button’ screen and MS and Asobo and Blackshark videos are skipped too.:
cmd.exe /C start shell:AppsFolder\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App -FastLaunch

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That’s not a mistake. Many pushed for it to be ‘released already’. Note that nobody asked you to buy the sim now. It was entirely up to you, to decide whether you wanna take the dive now, or wait another two years, and you had all the info available on what the sim is or isn’t right now (or a year ago). We gotta stop acting like anybody forced us to buy the sim, it’s just not an argument, sorry. Comparing an Airplane that carries souls on board to a consumer product like a simulator is also a more than questionable comparison… Your life doesn’t depend on a piece of software, thus circumstances are different. Shipping an incomplete plane will kill people, announcing the start of a software, while announcing a ten year frame and clearly stating from the start that this is ‘just the beginning’ are completely different scenarios. I’m happy they released it early, being there during the early development of the sim is an interesting experience, I wanted it that way, and I was prepared for setbacks.

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Hopefully we will get official word from Asobo on Thursday when the next development update is published. Like a lot of you, I have multiple issues with my sim, including my Saitek radio no longer being recognised, regular CTD’s or game freezes post Hotfix, and I’d rather I didn’t have the LOD pop in/culling issue. Colour is a little off too.

I’m not concerned though, they will give us an announcement soon and then work to fix these issues. Everything will be fine. Hardcore simulator enthusiasts are their primary long term audience, and certainly the ones who will remain with the sim the longest, and buy the most third party content from the marketplace. Of course, they are going to optimise things for us and give us the best performance they can.

Ultimately, it’s a far bigger passion project for the guys working on this sim than us flying it. The idea that they don’t care is ridiculous.

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This should be a sticky thread’s title :smiley:

People act like it’s the end of the world and there is no way to fix it. But there is and it will be.
Let them first fix the CTDs, then the sim issues that really stop people from flying. Then let them focus on visuals to let people with higher end rigs enjoy the sim again.
We know that it can be better, and I’m sure we will get there again. The only thing in the way is time and priorities (we still have a LOT of major bugs from before SU5 to get fixed as well).

There’s totally a reason for some to be upset and (even more) disappointed.
But there is no reason for the hate and allegations against the devs or other forum members.
People literally lose their minds on anonymous forums (I even read someone asking for devs going to jail… ridiculous.).


That is indeed ridiculous. Devs just do what they’re told. You ask them to fit it on a Nokia phone, they’ll do it for you.

It was actually not specifically talking about devs, but it doesn’t matter.
Just shows how enraged people are when posting, without any barrier for sanity.

It’s just a sim.

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While I 100% agree that the devs are not responsible themselves for the downgrades since they are being told to do so, and should never be insulted or threatened, I also think Asobo (again, not the devs, but the company as a whole) is not AT ALL focused on the hardcore sim enthusiasts : The sim is just NOT a hardcore sim. It is amazing on scenery (less and less amazing, but still amazing) and is cheap for the content it offers, but the available planes and the flight model juste screams “Casual fly”.

And this is totallty fine (I actually have dropped X-Plane and DCS for this sim and never looked back, because the scenery is just amazing !). Please don’t take it as an offence, I think you are being way too optimistic and candid regarding Asobo choices and philosophy. It is a capitalist company afterall, and they made the hardcore simmers believe in something that was just designed to sell XBOXs. So yeah, now that it’s finally released on the XBOX platform (thank god…) maybe we (the PC) will see graphical improvements on our side, but those improvements where never Asobos priority during this whole and frustrating year.

Did you watch any of the Dev Q&A? Showing and explaining what they do with the C172 flight model etc.?
They might not be solely focused on hardcore sim enthusiasts (it was clear from the beginning that they want to have accessibility for as many people as possible), but it’s not like they aren’t catering for them as well.
The SDK ist getting better, Aerosoft CRJ shows a clear path where it’s heading, we’re getting a G1000 NXi implementation by the WT people (working for MS/Asobo now) with a clear focus on simulating this unit, Seb and others from the team are going flying to learn more and translate this into the sim etc.

We all know that the flight model has it’s flaws, but we’re slowly getting there. The XBox release was a throwback in graphics, granted, but the sim updates all included changes in flight model, weather etc. and the sim aspect is in a much better state (apart from the known bugs) than we were a year ago.
Now that the XBox changes are hopefully done and they can focus on the common development for both platforms together, I hope and am sure that they’ll work on improving the simulation aspect of this product.

Which is the reason I think that enthusiasts (hardcore or not) are still the main focus since occasional flyers on XBox are not the ones buying airport sceneries from Marketplace for hundreds of dollars.

They now brought it to XBox for everyone to try out, this is part of the marketing for GamePass as well, but it’s not the audience that will bring in the bigger volumes on cashflow for the 10 years of planned development. Microsoft/Asobo are no beginners when it comes to know their customers.

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Asobo neither 10 years nor 100 years solves

Now that the XBox changes are hopefully done and they can focus on the common development for both platforms together, I hope and am sure that they’ll work on improving the simulation aspect of this product

Yeap. I hope so.

They now brought it to XBox for everyone to try out, this is part of the marketing for GamePass as well, but it’s not the audience that will bring in the bigger volumes on cashflow for the 10 years of planned development. Microsoft/Asobo are no beginners when it comes to know their customers.

Agreed, this is why I ended up saying “those improvements where never Asobos priority during this whole and frustrating year.”

I obviously know things will get better for hardcore enthusiast from now. I still think they planned from the beginning that the focus would not be this harcore audience untill it releases on XBOX.

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