Will SU8 be a game changer?

Jup there will be some significant improvements, some big changes that only do exactly that: change, and some things that will simply get broken as a consequence of improvements and changes. It will lead to the next large flame war and a cold hotfix a month later. I don‘t expect it to be any different from the recent updates. Maybe except SU5 which was nothing but a pain xD

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They should not have added cash cow addons until the game was more stable. Well, that would not fit into the marketing scheme so the mighty $$$ always rules the decision making process. Actually, I agree to an extent, this is what company product sales are all about.

In the meantime, I assume the worst when an update is due. Sad but the past has shown it.
But I wish they would fix the problem with the live weather/weather engine that came with the SU7.

The topic is so essential for me that I’ve given up flying since then, so the sim is worthless to me.
And neither could PMDG or Fenix ​​change that.


That’s likely to be what we see through 2022 after SU8. Let’s hope they fix the worst issues with the sim in SU8 so there’s minimal issue with the base sim when they add all this extra junk in later in the year.

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Crunch, Hi from Sunny Florida,
I agree ! Personally, I wish they had not included ADDONS until the most basic Flight Sim issues were solved and put to rest. It must be a real PAIN for the 3rd party folks adjusting their software to accommodate programming changes in the core system. I just want everything in the cockpit that was intended to function, actually work correctly from the beginning to the end of a flight.


I have not heard or read these rumours. Do you have some links to share?

If they are changing code for what should be a pure bug fix release then yes, there may be some fallout, but if it’s for a good reason (i.e. the code that has been changed never really worked at all anyway) then it might be worth it in the longer term. There may well be a lot of older code underpinning this sim which really needs to be challenged and changed and far too many times I think Devs just try to ignore and hope it goes away… (I’m looking at the likes of Bethesda with the evil eyes…)

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It was in the PMDG 737 thread on this forum yesterday


I’m a little concerned about it actually because for the first time I’ve got everything running smoothly.

Still issues with bush trips, log books, live traffic etc… but the flying itself is now graphically beautiful, smooth and crash-free (for me in my bush plane anyway).

So….a little trepidation here about SU8

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I thought the F18 and MCAS Miramar they added for the GOTY update was the top gun DLC. Unless they’re planning to add something else to that for SU9?

Asobo has stated SU8 is dedicated to bug fixing. However i think it’s somewhat naïve to think that this is a make or break moment for the game. We will have people groaning and moaning that the game they paid oh so much money for is not up to their standards and the updates broke more than they fixed and that xplane/p3d/fsx is 10x the game this is and blahhh blah blaaahhhh blah blaahhhhh.

nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn absolutely not. Reno Races flopped imo. It’s heart was in the right place, but we can really blame more Microsoft and their marketing team and less Asobo. I know this brings up the potential for career-like modes but not everything has to be gamified


No, that wasn’t the Top Gun DLC. That was supposed to come out last fall, but the release of the movie was delayed and the DLC is supposed to launch with the movie. I could be a little off, but I think it was pushed back till end March? The Top Gun DLC will launch at about that time and will include carrier ops and another plane.

I don’t have the highest of hopes. They’ve already announced that they’ve got a fix for what is likely the #1 issue that cockpit builders have had since launch. So for some of us, this will be a total game changer. If we see the integration of Working Title’s new nav / flight planner, that will be a huge fix as well. Game changing? Perhaps not. But a nice fix nonetheless. Otherwise, I’ll just be content if they manage to fix some of the long time bugs without breaking stuff that happens to work.

I think so too. But if the bean counters at MS saw they made a lot of money, they won’t care and will direct Asobo to create more of such content.

I’m more worried about SU8 being a Game Breaker, it certainly needs more than just one update to fix most of the Bugs (they’ll never eradicate all of them of course).


can we call this a “sim changer.”?
for example u here folks wanting 60, 70, 80, frames. why? all u need is 30 smooth frames
we r not playing a one shooter games, or car racing
when we get pmdg involved with their 737 this in my mind will become a “sim changer”
why? folks are going to learn about the sophistication of avionics, and will have learn to read manualsl, if u want to get the true experience of flight simming. it’s not like put the plane on the runway set the flaps and go right up
Fliying the 737 will be a new experience if u just use ga aircraft and just look out st the beautiful scenery.
Pmdg planes r very very real, and u will get complete satisfaction when u actually really learn to fly
I have been simming since late 90’s and I take my flying very serious especially pmdg comes to the party
I hope we get more developers involved with airlines
I used to buy captain sim products, but they currently selling a Boeing 767-400, using a 777 vc. and a 747 fmc. somebody on their forum called this a Frankenstein plane
concluding so far the sim working fairly well for me, locked at 30 frames
if I had to pick 4 issues to fix
1 long download get to main stream 4 minutes
2 traffic taking off from airports
3 weather is it on is it off
4 when every update is coming u have to take a deep breath and say a pray. PLEASE DONT MESSUP MY SYDTEM


I have also done yesterday a 4h flight LEMD-HECA without issues, previously it was impossible to do >2h without a significant loss of performance.
I am using the FBWa320

As long as it doesn’t change the game to ‘unusable’, I think I’ll live through it.

Really thats my main concern these days, the bigger the change log the more bugs. I’m just hoping we get a nice clean patch, even if it doesn’t fix every last thing… Just try not to break anything new.


I do need more than 30 for VR use :wink:


I get your point but for me higher than 30 (as long as still smooth) just feels better - especially for handling fast jets when doing fast rolls etc. You can feel the momentum and inertia better, and predict and react to movement more quickly. Much in the same way a racing sim is a huge disadvantage without consistent 60fps.

Having said that, I might try locking to 30 and see if it solves the small hiccups (CPU Limited) I sometimes still get. And allow me to bump some quality settings or LoD’s up a bit!


Since according to the roadmap there is hardly any work on problems with VR (I’m not talking about performance, I’m talking about errors in the basic image display), my excitement is kept within limits.


However, in the long run (if it’s true), that will be a really positive move.

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Could try these things mentioned in vid to see if it helps or not i haven’t seen anyone else mention doing this. Listen to the small tips towards end of video for a thing that helps with memory. They are all easily reversible settings if it doesn’t improve things. 🔧 How To REDUCE FPS Stuttering and FIX LOW Performance on ANY PC with this SETTING! *MORE FPS* ✅ - YouTube

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Sim updates have improved the sim in certain areas and made it a lot worse in other areas. I believe nowadays we need decent weather and cloud depiction to be able to feel like we are actually flying an airplane. The last update to the weather system was a disaster.