Will SU8 be a game changer?

Im looking forward to SU8 but on the other hand im not, Im just worried its going to break a lot of mods for a while ie Push back toolbar, No handle bar (that while arrow for the menu) ect

Just in the past week I have gotten most things in FS2020 to work. I hope SU8 doesn’t undo what is currently working. But, of course, that has not been the way things have happened in the past.

PLEASE don’t mess with what is already working well…It takes way too long to fix things that were not broken.

I just want to fly and not spend my time trying to get things working…FWIW

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I hope they will focus on performance and stability. Addons can make this sim anything we want it to be, as long as the platform is stable.


Here I hope the update will just do what it should do : update the game. The process (MS Store) didn’t work for me for SU6 and SU7 and had to do a full reinstall both times!!!

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I don’t get his point at all. 30fps looks horrendous to me, especially in VR. I literally can’t play it, it’s not fun, a huge aspect is the smoothness of flight for me. When that’s missing, I’d rather not play it. 40fps+ is just about OK in VR, 60 would be pretty much ideal, anything above that amazingly epic (remember that 90fps is supposed to be the standard for VR).

But even in 2D, 30 is pretty awful. Switch games are OK (though not ideal) at 30, but MSFS is definitely not OK for me at 30fps. It’s supposed to be realistic, 30fps does not seem realistic at all, it feels janky. I do realize people’s perceptions differ a lot and are highly subjective though… I wish I was happy with 30.

Bit annoying to hear people repeating the mantra of “no one needs more than 30 locked” when 30 looks and feels terrible to many people.


It will probably bring some benefits, break some stuff, etc as it usually does . That’s true of most software updates though.

I’ve been using xp11 for a while because the VR in FS2020 is so sub-standard. The weather system is still inaccurate also. Pretty…but not much use on Vatsim.

I’m really hoping that SU8 will bring huge improvements so I can get back to the excellent FBW A320 which I really miss.

Not holding my breath though.


Oohh boy, I totally agree with you on this. For me, I just can’t do 30fps. Once you really see the difference(and there is a BIG difference) between 30fps and 60fps, you just don’t ever want to go back to anything less than 60fps on a flight sim.

I have a 3080ti and using the fbw A320 I’m stuck at 45fps while on ground and 60+fps on air.

It just blows my mind how people say they don’t need more than 30.

Maybe because they don’t have the hardware for it. Idk.


Baloney! It is just a spec. You forget the human figuring. The Art the Cine.

#NO (the rest of this is to get 10 characters)

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I suppose many of those “noone needs more than 30 fps locked” comments are either from people of older generations that were used to these framerates in most of the games back then, because the hardware was not available to provide higher performance.
Or people that just can’t or are not willed to invest in high end setups (maybe due to other priorities) and practically have to deal with what they got… these folks then mostly have no other option than accepting the lower performance ingame and do the best out of it. Then the psychological component sets in, since the more often you tell yourself “I don’t need more than that” the more likely it becomes that you are really believing it, even though it makes no sense :smiley:

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Each sim update improved MSFS. I’m not talking on an individual level, as some users may have encountered an issue which made them think otherwise.

But if in doubt, just look back at the fixes/improvements and see if you think removing them would be a good thing? If you had issues with a specific update, it’s easy to forget all the good stuff in it :slight_smile:


Hey, wait a minute, I resemble that remark! :wink:

All that said and smoothness of the frames being equal, there is a noticeable difference between 30 and even 40, let alone 30 and 60. I much prefer the latter options.

My hardware (RTX3090 and Ryzen 5950x) is not enough to have fps much higher than 30 on medium-high settings in VR on G2 (flying low vfr flights). I could increase fps by sacrificing visuals, but I prefer 30-35 fps with good visuals. I don’t say that nobody needs more than 30fps, but at same time I don’t agree that “30fps is unplayable”.


if we use msfs history as a guide, you can always expect a new crop of “it always ran fine! but now…”

its like everyone gets to experience it. eventually your number comes up. nobody escapes. just give it time.

When are we expecting the improved weather system? Currently the low visibility is entirely dependent on airports that have METAR information but there’s no interpolation. The result being that the airport seems to be under a cloud of fog but the visibility is clear if I move away from immediate vicinity of the airport. Is that going to be addressed anytime soon?

Of course, that goes without saying, but if it stutters noticeably more at 60 than at 30, which it probably does on most systems, I’ll settle for 30 every time.

That doesnt sound right, i have a 3080 and 8700k and easily get 40+fps, sometimes above 45.

You need to tweak your settings better and/or lower one of the render scales (i do oxr70/taa100).

Medium clouds and no ambient occlusion helps a lot

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If that were the case then sure. On my system, 40fps+ is always subjectively much smoother and less stuttery than 30.

Why is nobody talking about the horrible lag spikes when the aircrafts touchdown in the runway :weary:. Im having the issue always and its not just me, I have seen so many YouTubers videos and they have the same issue but nobody talks about it… Its like if it was normal but its not normal at all.

Here is an example Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 *SNOWY LOW VISIBILITY* Condor A320 Landing - YouTube

And A LOOOOOT of people has the issue and Im wondering if they see it???

Im agree with a lot of comments here, if you have photogrammetry off the sim runs fluid and withouts stutters but NOT during landings when the wheels touchdown in the runway or even in the grass in the middle of nowhere so the most of the times there is a lag/stutter that kills the immersion :frowning:.

I have tried everything to fix it (turn photogrammetry off, fly without ai traffic, decrease the graphic settings, flying without addons in the community folder, and many many more actions) but nothing helps. I thought It was only me having the issue but I have seen a lot of videos of people that has the same stutter… The funny thing is that nobody talks about it.

If someones has a solution please share it, you will make my day then… Not my day… MY YEAR!!

If someone from Asobo is reading this comment, please please please fix the landing stutter/lag (when the wheels touch the ground). I do love sooooo much your sim, is the best, but this issue is driving e crazy.

Thanks a lot, cheers :v:t4:

That sounds annoying, cant say i have ever experienced it though. My arch-issue is the shimmering…