Will the trees ever get smaller?

Yes. There’s nothing worse than discussing a problem as an Xbox user only to hear “have you tried X add on? It’s free and everyone uses it.” No shade to PC users of course they’re making genuine efforts to offer solutions.

And yet we’re told that Xbox users can’t even get our own forum (not one single forum or sub
Forum among dozens) because it would “split the community.” I call bull. If Xbox had a forum, it would highlight a large number of issues and that’s not good for PR.

At some point Asobo needs to develop solutions to these problems or get out of the way of marketplace devs that can.


Every addon added, creates instability, bloat, FPS issues.

Do you really want to be running 15 different apps on the side to make flight sim work “right”?


priorities? Some things are more broken than others are cosmetically unpopular.

Asobo / MSFS maybe interested in fixing the things that don’t work (at least in the nearer term) than they are in making cosmetic adjustments, especially when those gripes are based more on opinions than data or functionality.
Just a guess.

As to the xbox vs PC complaints - I see and appreciate the Xbox angle. Being able to run addon software fixes that address the problem(s) is a double edged sword though. As noted above I would probably have to run 8 or 10 of those on my rig or load more than twice that many items into my content folder to counter just some of the more glaring issues in MSFS that I am not loving. I choose not to for two reasons - 1) it’s a risk (slows the rig or creates conflicts in the sim with official content or leads to malware) - and 2) I shouldn’t HAVE to.
I keep thinking many of these things will eventually be corrected by MS or Asobo or BlackShark or whomever…


The excessively large trees is not just opinion. There are myriad photos around comparing MSFS trees with the same scene in real life. MSFS trees are bigger.

However, there are people about that PREFER the oversized trees as they make for great screen shots.


yes - I agree that the trees are too big, but I can also see that this is hardly a priority compared to the other ‘technical’ problems that need more urgent attention. I am not going to list them because they are so familiar.

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In addition to size control, I would like density control (one tree per xxx meters). Many cities and even forested areas are way overpopulated


(Trust Level 1 achieved!)

I’ve only just come to Asobo Tree Simulator 2020. Yes, I’m late to this party.

Look, I’m not being funny but has someone told the lead programmer about the trees? Yes I realise they were his “thing”, and so everyone has had to tread on eggshells, but it looks as if the human population died out years ago and nature reclaimed the cityscapes. Gigantism has overtaken the woods and forests. Can’t see the roads for the trees!

I can only imagine that all you simmers have propagandized yourselves into thinking this is how the world really looks from the air.

No it doesn’t. No, really, it doesn’t. No.


(Think of me holding you gently but firmly at this point. If it helps.)

No, it’s possible to make the AI tree generator do a much better job of this. No it is. Couple of hours tops.

I’ll check back in a few months.




The trees went through several revisions in size, density, visible range etc, and while they may not be 100% there, they’re quite good.

is this kind of trying to insult the community somehow?
Joined a few hours ago and that’s all you have to say?

Thanks for letting us know.

You should know that the community here is welcoming your views and criticism, if it’s constructive.


Haha…living on a beautiful blue/green planet :upside_down_face:
Flew yesterday over New York and Paris. Thought: oh my goodness…soo beautiful, and greenish.

As it happens, I used to think the same. Trees looked unrealistically tall to my eyes.

Then I started to take more notice of how big trees are in the real world. Because I live in a hilly area, it’s pretty easy to see many areas from an “aircraft view” as well as being able to look from my drone’s perspective, and simply by using Google’s aerial view.

And I was amazed. Yes, sometimes MSFS gets it very wrong with trees of the wrong sort, too big, too small, or just in the wrong place, but a lot of the time the trees are modelled about right.

I used to use a “smaller trees” addon to bring tree sizes down, but I stopped using that because I don’t think they are wrong.

However, I’m in the north of England, and that’s where I “fly” mostly. In other plaes perhaps the trees are unrealistic.

I know the autogen architecture is badly wrong round here, but I’m cool with the trees.


trees are mostly just huge in the sim. I wouldn’t call it “propagandized”… but maybe resignated? Just like the totally wrong ground behaviour… I have resignated. Two years in and still the same nonsense. Maybe at some time, maybe not. We’re part of a large pre-release state sold as a release candidate and we all go threw active development. Maybe we’ll reach a point of readiness but until then these things will just not be correct.

…maybe one further information about the huge trees virus :wink: (seems fixed for italy) but…


Welcome to the forums I guess.


In the end it partly depends on what and how you fly.

  • if you like airliners and mainly fly up in the flight levels and only regularly land at International airports you will think the trees are a non-issue and a waste of Asobo time to play with them

  • if you tend to fly low and slow and do a lot of landing bush planes on tiny mountain grass strips you probably see the default trees as a huge issue and likely even run a tree mod in an attempt to get around the problem


The main issue I have isn’t simply how they look; it’s how they block the ends of runways at small GA airports.


You can try this mod too for tree height that i created some time ago. works for the latest update too. I think its a fair blend of lowered tree height and fair density. 16000 downloads so far.


The trees in my area have already been shortened just past the point of acceptable. We have many 80 foot plus trees here. You should compare the heights of houses with the heights of trees if you have no other method. Also check the widths of roads with tree height. I agree that trees are shorter in cities but not all cities are equal and not everywhere is a city.
People should use mods and let the devs actually get on to something more important because tree size has been hashed over at least a half dozen times by now.

Try Bijan Studio – Four Season Pack v7.2.0, it will greatly improve tree size, distribution, tree type for geography, seasonal change, etc … very good, have barely gotten into adjustments, settings at this point …


Thanks for telling about the nod, definitely going to try this.

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