Windows 11 22H2 update - do not install yet

I flew half way around the world in real life yesterday, and in my jetlagged state, I fired up FS2020. After downloading all the updates, Windows Update asked me to install the so called 22H2 update. Like an idiot who wasn’t thinking straight due to extreme tiredness (because that is who I was), I said yes.

Big mistake. Don’t do it folks!

On my RTX 3070 system, 2D was playable, but then lagged badly whenever I changed camera angles. 3D was entirely unplayable (think less than 1fps). Turns out there is known issue with the latest update and Nvidia GPUs. See links here:

So learn from me and don’t install 22H2 until these issues are sorted.


You’re late to the party, but your thread will possibly be seen by person who don’t know this problem, so it could be helpful.

This have been discussed a lot in several other threads. You have some easy solution:
Uninstall 22H2, or I recommend instead to update Geforce Experience by selecting “Enable Experimental Features” in it menu. You’ll get a Beta version of Geforce Experience and the bug will be solved.


I’ve been running Windows 11 22H2 for a while now (I’m on the windows insider dev channel updates). Didn’t cause any issues on my system.
The newer version of Geforce experience downloaded itself about two days ago but it was working fine before that as well.

So it’s not affecting everyone.
I’m on a Ryzen 3700X, RTX 2070 Super setup so nothing out of the ordinary.


New NVidia game ready driver is due this week including an updated GE Force experience (the overlays of which were what was causing the slowdown). 22H2 runs fine for me. There are a few threads on this subject already.

Oh no! Sorry about this. Like I said, my excuse is jetlag.

Your suggestions are good. I don’t like to roll back systems too often only to reapply them later, so will try the experimental Nvidia experience route.

Edit: Experimental setting did not solve the issue. Oh well, I suppose I’ll wait for the Nvidia update.

I had issues. Big stutters ect. I removed the 22H2 update and so fall all seems to be OK. Stutter free at least.

I would recommend removing the 22H2 update for now.

I have Windows 11 21H2. Not been offered 22H2 yet.

Did Geforce updated after set the Experimental settings? Restart it (or reboot) in case it didn’t update.
You should have now version with the fix.

If it was updated and still buggy, well, I tried! :wink:


Absolutely fine on my system. Runs perfectly well on MSFS2020, DCS World, Falcon BMS. 10900K, RTX 3090, 64 GB ram, Studio Drivers 517.40.

Also tested successfully on separate system with RTX 3070.


I’ve had 22H2 for a while with the Win 11 insider program. (I’m currently waiting to be unenrolled in that.) I haven’t had any issues whatsoever, but I have AMD.

Did install a windows update yesterday and everything became very slow.
Installed another update today and (for) now it’s fast again

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Is this only Geforce Experience thing, I don’t use it so am I safe?
I have not even been offered the 22H2 update yet…


Had the same issue, but with the last Geforce beta plus the last studio driver seems solved for me.
God bless the helpful people in this forum, I would never have figured it out by myself

I think it just auto-updates everything like Drivers and Windows so you have to be careful using it

I wouldn’t install it as it stops your PC from sleeping/hibernating tried it a few times over the past 2 years,
as I did like the recording feature.
But leaving your PC running full on isn’t a good idea …unless it’s been fixed but I doubt it.

Have to say - in my personal experience I am not having issues with the current Nvidia drivers, 22H2 and MSFS.

My only issue is the Kodiak that crashes my sim every time in DX11.

Hotas Warthog (stick and throttle)
Logitech Pedals
Elgato XL Stream Deck
Track IR
Navigraph (sub)

I9-9900 (3.6GHz)
Windows 10

That’s exactly what I’ve done but I still have a few stutters on approach on DX11. Gonna try it with DX12.

Yep, the new beta of Geforce Experience fixes the issues.

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Welp I’m still getting stutters in DX12. Better overall performance in DX11. Guess we’ll just have to wait for the driver update. I’m not a big fan of Win 11 tbh. More likely will go back to 10 at some point.

Semi off topic:

Because of the mainly positive topics about NVidia GF Experience I decided to re-try the ‘fixed’ version. I had tried GF ex a while ago but noticed there was a lot of lag and the recommended optimization made things worse. But I have to say, this version is going in the right direction.

One thing I’m still noticing is the following: (hope you can try this and give me some advice).
When I use sharpen+ (default settings) and I set my vieuw-point outside the PMDG 737, the runway concrete and scenery seem to be ‘pulsating’ when I zoom in.

You can’t trust the Win11 task monitor’s GPU temp. It was reading 81c for 5 minutes after quitting the game. I felt the bottom of my laptop and it felt cool. The temp reading would not drop even after stopping and restarting the app. A minute after a windows restart, it read 45c. Win11 is just a joke to me. It boggles my mind. They’ve got so much work to do. A bug I submitted to them 6 months ago still isn’t fixed. Wowza.