Windows 11 and Reverb G2 in 2023: still "shaking" problems?

The shaking I see doesn’t seem to be the same as the shaking when you put a headset on a stable surface. I see a very excessive plane shaking even from tiny movements. It’s seems quite clear that only the plane is shaking but not a scenery (and by the way, OpenXR Toolkit’s FPS overlay doesn’t shake).

I somehow don’t believe this is a tracking issue. I don’t remember seeing this before upgraded to Windows 11 and I don’t see this kind of shaking in other sims/games (haven’t tried many, though). And OpenXR Toolkit’s Shaking reduction doesn’t affect at all. I haven’t tried without MR, could this be the issue when it’s enabled…

You may test this by tapping your headset with finger.

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this is EXACTLY how it is. I feel you man, i couldn’t stand that anymore. I’ve tried to do everything i could think off about it. It’s definitelly something win11 related. There is a fraction of this behaviour in win10 as well, but you only really notice it when you know what to look for after you experience it in win11. I do strongly suggest you reinstalling win10 because i don’t think there’s an easy solution for this. Also, i waited for practically one year for some “magical update” or something. No one seems to really give a pretty penny about it. So yea, win10 it was for me. I have to say the performance is noticably better in win 10 as well.


I have a physical condition that causes me to have a slight tremor throughout my body. I thought it was all down to my condition that this problem was happening and then realised it didnt exist in VTOL VR. I was so excited when I turned on the shaking reduction in the toolkit but the removal of the MR destroyed the image. Is there anything else that is similar to MR that I could try (bit of a noob here).

An idea: Has anyone tried to set the DynamicHeadMovement values to zero in “FlightSimulator.CFG”?


Same here. I have a condition known as benign essential tremor, which mostly effects my hands. It’s fairly common as people age, although I have a friend who developed it badly while still in primary school (now a middle aged electrician no less, which looked a bit alarming when he rewired my house, lol). It means that I cannot use VR controllers with any great accuracy, especially my right hand (and no, it’s not Parkinson’s disease).

So, I do get a tiny bit of the wobblies from my head in VR with the G2, but it’s not a deal breaker in Win 10. However with the G2, every time I have tried “upgrading” from Win 10 to Win 11 there seems to be a bug that makes even the slightest head shake magnified and so is unusable for me in VR. Which is why I have reverted to Win 10 three times now.

I switched from W10 to W11 over a month ago and didn’t notice any difference in camera behavior. It definitely shakes but it’s the same in both Windows.
Also MSFS is the only game where this happens. DCS, IL2, WarThunder, all the racing sims I have and I have not experienced anything like in this game. It’s annoying but somehow I got used to it.

I think I zeroed [DynamicHeadMovement] parameters in CFG file several weeks ago. It reduced the shaking but didn’t eliminate it.

Sry, i could never find a better solution except reverting to win10, which i saw you already have :v:

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In the nvidia control panel, in your MSFS profile, you can try setting “virtual reality pre-rendered frames” to 4. This will reduce the shaking ~30%, but it does come at the cost of a tiny bit of latency in head movement. Whether that is better or worse than the shaking will be up to individual taste.

Zeroing head movement values in the flight sim config made no difference for me.

There is definitely a problem with WMR tracking in windows 11. When I place the headset down on a solid surface I can see the shaking/vibration of the image in the mirror still. On windows 10 placing it down gave a completely static image in the headset.

I’ve scoured the registry looking for anything that might be affecting it, even comparing registry entries to my old win 10 machine side by side, but I haven’t found anything useful yet.

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Thanks for your reply. I haven’t actually reverted to Windows 10. This is my first PC, always had Macs as a film editor for my whole life, finally got a gaming rig. So fun. Anyway, I don’t really have much confidence in myself to pull off an OS change without screwing it all up. I did actually find a kind of solution. I left the shaking reduction setting on -30% and realised that my 4080 was able to push up to a constant 45 fps at ultra settings. The issues I was having were related directly to frame rate. As soon as it was a bit higher, it was a much better situation. I’m thinking of going in at Medium settings and seeing if I can get to 60fps…somehow I doubt it though. Also - getting the insrtument panel to have some clarity has been a big focus for me so reducing settings won’t help with that. Im pretty happy with where it is at so it is probably time to stop the long hours doing settings and just do some flying!

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Just as an update - I have cobbled together a really great solution based on ideas from this thread and another thread. It is working SO well now. Just thought I’d chuck it in here for what it is worth, in case it can help someone else. Here are my current Open XR settings, so smooth and it is dealing with my slight uncontrollable shake in my body I have:

Ryzen 7 5700x
RTX 4080

90hz refresh
Limited to 45 fps (lock at 30 if you cant hit 45 reliably)
Over Prediction Reduction: - 40%
Motion Reprojection - Disabled
Turbo Mode - On

I feel like it is a real watershed moment for me. The sim has never looked so good. Of course there are all the other settings but I think all the NVIDIA and MSFS settings are so system and headset dependent that it is kind of a waste of time copying everyone’s settings like all those endless videos proclaiming to have all the answers (although I must say, I have learned a lot from Mark at Sim Hanger Simulations. His videos are solid). I also hasten to add I don’t know if the above will work for everyone. This combo just made such a huge difference for me. Im happy to share my other settings if anyone cares to nerd out with me about it :nerd_face:

is there a way to revert to windows 10 without reinstalling everything? im past the week or so where you can do it automatically (its been several months), but i cant stand the head shaking in the G2.
so can i get back to windows 10 with a simple install. dont want to reformat.

i have been in your exact shoes. Unfortunatelly, no. But, do a complete format, you’ll be happy you did once you do. Going from win11 to a completely fresh system with win10 is a really welcome sight in MSFS VR. Of course, long term, this is not the solution. We are quickly nearing the end of support for win10 and still no fix for the oversensitive tracking in win11. This is absolutely outrageous on Microsoft’s end. I KNOW they are aware of the issue and have been for a long time. They just obviously don’t care. It really makes me furious that there is this one single reason why i am unable to go with Win11 :frowning:

Edit: Just remembering about this issue makes my hair stand up, so i just went ahead and contact Microsoft support to submit the issue. I suggest everyone to do the same.

I do have to use the prediction dampening thingy in the OXR Toolkit as on Win11. I can’t really go back to Win10 for other stuff I use. :expressionless:

Do people think this is mainly a MSFS issue or does it do exactly the same in the Home Portal and other VR titles?

Might wait for the crystal then if it’s coming out soon. If not il make the painful switch. At least coming back to 11 will be simple. The issue is just with the reverb g2 right? I assume other headsets don’t have this shaking issue?

All WMR headsets do, i assume. Because i had this same issue with Reverb G2 as well as with my previous headset Dell Visor.

It does elsewhere too, but for some reason it’s much more pronounced in MSFS

is the crystal WMR?

No, it is not

I find the over prediction reduction thing clears it all up really nicely on my G2. It negates MR, but that gives me tonnes of wobbly little artefacts anyway so I don’t miss it.

shake reduction + MR gives wobbliness

shake reduction without MR - no wobbliness but micro stutters

MR without shake reduction - smooth but sensitive tracking/shaking

why cant we just have something that smooth, stutter free, and shake free?