Windows 11 hurts AMD Ryzen performance even more than we thought

The 5800x tends to run hotter than the 5900x and 5950x. This is due to the one core complex in the 5800 versus two core complexes in the 5900x/5950x. This makes the heat generation concentrated over a single spot on the heatsink rather than being more spread out. It’s not significantly worse in terms of thermals, but I’d say it’s at least 5c warmer.

Compared to the 11th gen Intels, the Ryzens tend run cooler and use about 1/3 less power due to the smaller 7nm node vs 14nm on Intel. I wouldn’t worry that much about heat generation, as this can be effectively mitigated by a beefed up cooling solution.

Sorry to drag this thread up but I finally got offered Windows 11 today.

I’m running a 5900x and an X570F-Gaming board.

What’s the consensus at this point? Go for 11 or stay with 10?

Any opinion greatly received. Cheers.

If your chipset is up to date then you have no worries. Windows 11 can put paid to some problems but obviously not all and even though they should still work for best performance your peripherals’ drivers and 3rd party apps should show W11 support in their release notes.

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Is there anything on Windows 11 that interests you? There are no performance benefits; There is also no loss by staying on Windows 10.

That will change with new features e.g. Direct Storage … and yes with W11 there are performance benefits out of the box however if you have already optimised W10 specifically for MSFS/gaming then probably there’s no real difference (although this depends on your hardware too).

FWIW I took the plunge and was glad I did.

I had a bit of a faff getting the chipset drivers to update but got there in the end.

If nothing else, I’ve had way less CTDs from the sim since updating than I was having before and definitely no performance loss either. That’s a big win for sure!

I have an RT5700XT and had Win 10. During that time the only way I was able to stop my continual CTDs was to use an old AMD driver like many others with the same configuration.

Once I converted to Win 11 around 7 months ago, I haven’t had a single CTD using every new GPU driver.

That’s why I’m very pleased with Win 11.


It is a very old post. There has been a few updates from Microsoft and AMD regarding Ryzen issues.


yes, this is an older issue now, and it appears it’s finally close to being optimized. I also read that now there are issues with Intel CPU’s with the latest updates.

Perhaps this thread should be archived.