Wing42 Boeing 247D - Yet to turn a single wheel

Yes. I’ve seen this mentioned, maybe in the manual too. It is: Section 4 - “Furthermore, since we integrated a custom payload manager to our clipboard, any interaction with
the default payload manager of MSFS will cause issues and should therefore be avoided. This is
particularly the case for the fuel tanks and the different cargo stations in the aircraft (see chapter 7.2
for more information)”.
My fuel gauges still show empty though.

have you pulled the gauge plungers. You only see fuel on the gauges for a brief time after pulling

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AH! Thank you. I wondered if there was something I’d missed. I’ll check.

most gamers are very bad manual readers(me too)…all issues seem to boil down to pilot error.

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My issue seems to be that certain switches in the sim do not reflect switches on peripherals.

Example,. In the sim both Magnetos switches are set to BOTH . On my Honeycomb Alpha the magneto switch is set to OFF. It appears the Sim is going by the Switch on my yoke and not by what the switches in the cockpit are showing.

I will need to figure out what magneto controls to my yoke magneto switch.

It’s all part of the fun !

Solved it in the end. Here is what I discovered:

Un-assign all switches etc from my peripherals. The State Saving I think screws things up. It seems to save the state of the switch in the cockpit but reads from the peripherals. So I had cockpit showing Magnetos on, but on my Yoke it was turned off so no start .

When starting a 2nd flight, full tanks are always empty and therefore need filling up. Weird

If I leave a switch on (I.e fuel flow), the switch will show as"on" next time but the state will be “off”. So I have to turn off/on all the switches and valves.

Roll on the updates. Still amazing value for money.

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I find on the the 2nd “Flight” the fuel is always empty . Dunno why.

I have to mesh at 30% or more or it’s a no go… and making sure to use the wobble pump to keep the fuel pressure up the whole time.

Had another enjoyable short flight around Honolulu today. The weather was about 85F on the ramp, so I did complete oil change to SAE50 weight before the flight. I was able to start each engine on the first try (oil changes might “reset” the state for anyone who has trouble starting). Let the engines warm up for close to ten minutes before flight, then took off, flew around for about 10 minutes and landed. As soon I brought power up for takeoff, oil pressures spiked off-scale high and never came down, even though I reduced RPM to about 1,800 and MAP to right about the dividing line between the white and blank zones on the guage (can’t recall what that number is off-hand). Oil temps stayed around 80-90 degrees F (which seems low for the ambient conditions - in flight at a couple thousand feet, the OAT was still about 70F).

Anway, landed, taxied back with RPM set as far low as I could to make the taxi more managable, and throttle as low as I dared go for risk of stalling out the engines - maybe 20%? Pressures dropped down to about 2/3 of the scale (what’s that, like 70 PSI or something?). The clipboard showed no oil used on the flight.

Maybe I’m not running the engines hard enough to heat up the oil system? Or maybe there’s a bug in how the heat is modeled, at least with the SU9 Beta.

I have stalled my engines on every landing thus far. I have not read the manual thoroughly. I’m not asking for help (yet). I’m just here to say thank you Wing42 for making an addon where I can’t just guess my way through a successful flight. It’s a first for MSFS!

Don’t bring throttles to 0?

Nowhere near 0. I haven’t read the whole manual, but I know not to idle the engines at least! I’m not too worried about it. Once I spend some more time with the manual and watch some videos, I’ll figure it out.

That was the mistake I made.

What’s weird for me is it’s always the left engine that dies first, then very predictably, the second will die within 60 seconds. I’m guessing I’m doing something wrong with the oil temperature (the part of the manual I haven’t gotten to, probably :laughing:)

I did manage a lovely flight last night, but sadly still ridden with issues. None of the lights would work and it was a night flight. So I had to keep changing to daylight in order to see anything inside the cockpit. I of course double checked all electrics, fuses and switches. This includes all interior lighting and exterior (landing lights etc.) too.

The landing gear will not go down using my assigned controller command but will go up using it. Very odd. Works fine using G on keyboard though.

Oil pressure went crazy on one engine but I do kind of like that. Although no idea why it happened. I have now reenabled the realistic engine start and failures etc. So this one was probably not a bug as such.

Ended up having to feather the engines and glide in to land which was actually quite a stunning challenge.

I’ve now absorbed the manual and tbh 70% of my issues are not user error.

I love this craft. I just hope the developers will finish it off. And it would be really great to get some communication from them (email maybe).

This is not a complaint. Just sharing info.

Once again I repeat. This is I think my favourite aircraft at the moment, despite the issues.


I remember reading somewhere that the developers were taking a week vacation after releasing it, which is both a deserved and confident move. Gives us all time to learn the plane, rtdm and gather our thoughts and bugs before they dive into fixing issues.

Yes and no. Yes to bad manual readers, but there also are very certainly some bugs with the plane and statesaving.

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I have tried various combinations at 30% or more without much luck😕

Not true, We’re here…


Then I’d like to thank you for a top aircraft :slightly_smiling_face:

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