Wingwing Ursa minor

looking for an entry level joystick I found the new wingwing ursa minor airline joystick, flying with airbus it would be perfect
In some countries it is already available for sale. Do you have experience with this?
I didn’t find any information on assistance in Europe. Which country is it managed by?
45 days of pre-order is normal, it was presented about 2 months ago


Just got it today, as a vibration-capable upgrade over my existing Thrustmaster Airbus TCA stick. MSFS 2020 has no default key binding profile for it so you have to start from scratch, but that’s easy enough. Maybe once I create a complete binding preset I can share it here.

I’m trying to get any sort of vibration functionality from MSFS 2020 though and I got nothing, even using its SimAppPro software. The “default” vibration profile in the app offers no vibration in MSFS 2020, and the “advanced” mode that in theory allows you to create a custom vibration profile shows “no data” (in Chinese) under the Edit tab. So, more of a lateral move from the Thrustmaster one so far, than an upgrade. Hopefully I / Winwing can get the vibration figured out, I opened a support ticket with them.


They got back to me to say that vibration is only supported in DCS for now, but that they expect to release a software update this month to add vibration compatibility with MSFS.

Welcome to this forum, like me I am new to these areas, you will probably have much more experience and flight hours with fs2020

Thank you for your reply and for trying out some features of the new Wingwing joystick
It would be interesting to have some of your impressions on the precision, construction of the joystick and ease of use also compared to your current TCA

Thank you

I’ve been playing flight sims on and off for 25 years, but this time I’ve gotten really into it, heh.

The quality of the WW leaves nothing to be desired, it feels solidly built, all movement around the axes is smooth, and it has a quick release panel at the bottom for adjustments. The only things I don’t like relative to the TCA is I wish there were a few more buttons on the stick itself, the buttons on the base are very clicky instead of smooth, and the rudder / Z axis has a bit more limited range than the TCA. Still, none of these complaints feel like a reason to go back to the TCA once vibration support is added.

Even though the US website said to expect a 45 day wait on a preorder, the Global Shipping website said in stock, and I got one delivered to me from China to California in just a few days.

I also preordered their FCU unit, and I’m really looking forward to adding that to my sim experiences as well.

I’ve been enjoying f1 simulators for a long time, with flying it’s not much and I have a lot to learn
Having pre-ordered, now let’s see what the shipping times will be from the European warehouse
tomorrow I would like to combine the engines, flaps and airbrakes module of the thustmaster I only find it combined with the joystick I had and it was not a good experience

Yeah, that’s my setup. The wingwing sidestick, and the full TCA Quadrant + Add-on.

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Ohh verygood setup!!! The good news is that you can use both together
Unfortunately my TCA-Airbus Edition joystick doesn’t work correctly. At takeoff or landing the A320 moves on its own without touching anything to the right. I’ve tried everything without a solution.

Hi, guys I am , too, having problems with URSA joystick in MSFS. The joystick is not recognized in the game, simply does not work. In Il2 I was able to fire it up quite easily- However that SIMAPP app is , what to say, “difficult” and not very well written. It basically forces me to look up the instal, folder of MSFS/ I got the XBOX version/. But even so, after pointing the app to that “wgz” flder the joy is not recognized proparly and I cannot fly.

I am having the issue of PIO when inputs are made with the stick anyone have some settings they can share?

I got mine a couple days ago. The haptic feedback only worked on my second flight with the sidestick.

Any idea why would this happen? I have tried the default and the advanced options. I have also set up the folder paths correctly

Please tell me the tactile feedback is now working for msfs? Hopefully you’re checking this forum still :slight_smile:

Any update on this issue?
Why did WW ever decide to cover the hat switch with a solid cover!!!

I haven’t tested it, because it requires running the SimAppPro app, which then conflicts with custom controller configuration through other means, as well as using the controller in other apps at the same time as MSFS. I don’t know why Winwing decided to design their force feedback to work in such a proprietary way that requires SimAppPro running, instead of using standard Windows APIs, but I have no plans on running that app with the problems it causes otherwise.

What issue specifically?

Also the hat switch cover is magnetically attached and can be easily removed. I have no idea why that cover is shipped with the controller at all, unless they figured that some people might not want to use the hat switch even accidentally at all?

I thought the “cover” may have been a soft silicon cover where the hat switch could sill be used under it…obviously I was wrong. Doesn’t make sense to me.
I’m still playing with the SimAppPro, but so far with limited success.

I found a video on YouTube that explains how to use the joystick and activate the vibration in different opportunities, I don’t know if I can post the link to the video ?

my joystick arrived today!! Unfortunately it will take some time before we can try it

Can you share the title or something so I can search? I just got mine and I can’t get the vibration to work

Hi @Smothrubber,
Regarding your question:

Posting links to a YouTube video is fine, so long as the content of the video does not violate any section of the forum’s Code of Conduct.

I’ve just spent the last three days messaging the help guys at WinWing to resolve the problem of the vibration motor and how to configure their SimAppPro for MSFS2020.
Bottom line - no workable outcome! The “problem” has been referred to their tech team.