WinWing F18 HOTAS binding profile


I’ve a WinWing Orion F-18 HOTAS (MK 2) and now that the Top Gun DLC is out I am wondering if there are any available binding profile for this controller.

Thank you.

Any replies? Shure would like MSFS to support these winwing products. Great hardware, hard and time consuming to setup in MSFS2020.

I’m pondering. Can the FS load profiles outside of the cloud at all?
Tried to export well over a year ago because the settings were reset after each SU. It didn’t work then.

Since then I only have the basics on the stick in FS2020 and do the rest with mouse in the cockpit.

It’s a bit annoying, because I’ve almost fully occupied my devices in DCS. These are just the axles :joy: :see_no_evil:

Still no Winwing default profile support in SU10 beta, I assume? :frowning:

Got my Orion 2 setup. Loving it, but having some issues figuring out how to bind the hook switch, launch bar, etc. in MSFS. Flight Sim doesn’t seem to like the “button continuously pressed continuously” functionality of the Orion toggles.

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The trick to binding the Orion always-on switches is to do it opposite of what you want. Using the landing gear as an example, when the switch in in the UP position, it is key 72 and when it is in the DN position it is key 73. So, I have it mapped where when Gear UP is released it executes Gear Down and when Gear DN is released it executes Gear Up. I hope that makes sense or at least points you in the right direction.

Thanks, @MikeB54331 ! Yep, Gear Up/Down works perfectly that way.

Launch Bar and Hook were a bit harder to set up, though, I think because they don’t have two states but are just toggles. (I’m not sure what the “Set hook” vs “Toggle Hook” differences are?) If I change it to “release” instead of “press” those work, but it appears I can only make it work where I flip the switch up and down to toggle it, and that I can’t use the switch to make it change positions between up and down.

Thanks again for the hint!

Could you share it in someway?

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Still getting started – so many buttons! – but once I get things set up I’ll look to see how I can share it.

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I also have the Orion 2 throttle with fingerlift system but thusfar its not possible for me to fly MSFS because I find no flyable mapping yet. The throttles have a zero thrust at mid of travel and I have no clue how to change it to make use of the idents and full throttle travel and revers. If any one got it working can you please help me out? (It does works super with DCS!)
I even have FSUICP7 installed.

Windmill64, make sure you calibrate the throttle in both the Winwing software and the Windows USB Game Controllers app. Once I did that, I had full throttle travel.

I haven’t figured out how to set up reverse behind the detente, I just have a button programmed to engage reverse thrust/prop.

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Use the throttle axis 0-100% (or throttle 1 axis 0-100% etc.), then set the neutral point from sensitivity page so that it’s at the reverse detent. You might also want to add a bit of dead zone around it.

Unfortunately it’s not really practical to calibrate detents other than the reverse one with MSFS response curve editor, though any programming or controls managements software with fully featured response curve editor would allow calibration of any amount of detents.

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Hello everyone, I have the same issue here. I am having a lot of trouble to configure all the settings on my Winwing Orion 2. Isn’t there a set up file for MSFS? Can someone please share their settings?

Thank you


would much appreciate it if someone could share there settings as well having a hard time finding everything.


Hey Mike,
Sorry to resurrect this thread, but I tried this recently and the “on release” still doesn’t seem to do anything. Did you have it in 4x32 mode?

No, I don’t use 4x32 mode. As long as MSFS detects the switch, you shouldn’t need it.

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I’m having problems with mine. I’m binding the stick to the Pitch Axis, but it is wildly out of control. The options are Elevator Up and Down, but when I hover over them, they tell me this is a “digital” bind which should be used with a button or key. The stick just doesn’t work properly.

I’ve calibrated the “Y” axis several times in the Winwing app. I’m really not sure what to do with this.

Also, the stick works fine with DCS. And I also have a Logitech X.52 stick which works fine with MSFS.

Don’t assign the stick to Elevator Up and Elevator Down. Assign it to Elevator Axis. Same thing with Aileron. Don’t use Aileron Left and Aileron Right. Use Ailerons Axis.

Have you calibrated the stick in Windows? Make sure MSFS is closed down first, you don’t need the Winwing app running for MSFS

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