Working Title G1000 NXi Discussion Thread

On the right flight display when your on the nearest section and select airports how do you select the airport and navigate down to the runway frequencies and approach sections of that page I press enter key and it just keeps scrolling down the airport list same with the right inner and outer knob. Hope what I’m trying to explain makes sense. Is that feature just not working yet? I can scroll the airports waypoint etc… but I can’t get it to go down from when it’s on say an airport I want and I want to scroll down the freqs to get a localiser frequency but I can’t figure out how to get it to go down to the runway section or frequency section of the page I can highlight an airport but when I push enter it just scrolls as if I turned the knob to go to the next nearest airport if I go to the search page I can type in an airport and get the freqs that way but it’s a lot when your in the air trying to freestyle a landing would make it easy if I would work from the nearest page! I’ve been using skyvector and chart fox just wanted to be able to use the g1000 and do it but I guess it’s still not fully functional! Wanted to ask in the MSFS official for sim but can’t figure out how to start a post it’s maddening! I need to go to bed now but if anyone responds to this I will try and post some pictures of what I mean later today. After 2am for me here now and I gotta get some sleep for work! Thanks All!