I’m sure I’m doing something wrong, I usually am, but can someone tell me what is going on with my PFD and why it has a black background?
Stock Asobo Beechcraft G36, nothing in Community Folder.
I’m sure I’m doing something wrong, I usually am, but can someone tell me what is going on with my PFD and why it has a black background?
Stock Asobo Beechcraft G36, nothing in Community Folder.
A couple of questions on the nxi. If I’ve setup a VOR DME approach, should the nxi setup the VOR frequency automatically? Secondly, is there a clear explanation of how to sync the nxi flight plan with the standard MSFS ATC? Thank you.
There are many explanations scattered across the forum. Not sure if they are clear though
I believe any required frequency will be automatically entered after an approach is selected (ILS, RNAV, VOR). At present, any flight plan entered directly into the G1000NXi does not sync with the built-in ATC. To use built-in ATC for IFR, the flight plan must be entered at the World Map screen (manually or imported from a PLN or FLT file).
I don’t think that this is true.
Only Localizer frequency is automaticall selected when choosing a given ILS approach.
regarding RNAV, there is no need to select any frequency but the right overlay
I like the C172 layout which is mirrored on both sides. All other airplanes have the AP functions on the co-pilot side. In VR flying, it’s very hard to see the MFD.
I’m sure there is a reason but it feels like we should have redundant functions on the PDF and MFD. I appreciate the layouts are accurate to the airplane.
I find myself getting critical of aircraft cockpit design now, lol. Diamond and Cirrus do it mostly right. For instance, in the Cirrus, you can actually see if a switch is off or on, novel concept! Cirrus is one of the few that also does panel lighting correctly.
I’d probably be happy if I could have an airplane with a Diamond instrument layout, Cirrus switches and lighting, a Cessna PFD and handles like a Beechcraft.
I used to fly a DiaCirruCessnaBeech down around Saragosa.
Don’t forget, uses no gas, unlimited ceiling, max speed mach 10…
LOL, I’ve seen similar discussions in pilot forums about how there are no perfect airplanes. You’d sware you were on a sim forum.
I really wish we could mod our PFDs with the AP buttons, even if not accurate.
Raim check, SBAS and system check do not need to actually work for now. Just being able to see them in order to go through the checklist items would suffice.
Maybe I should point towards the nature of my question:
Introducing pilots to flight simulation devices always produces a negative bias if stuff is not accurate. People like to overemphasize negative experiences and a simulator as good as the WT G1000 should not give first time users an unjustified negative impression while they are comparing it to the real unit flown the day before.
Questions like “Why is there no raim check? Yesterday you told me to check SBAS but it´s not there. How should I check system status?” could be avoided by just having Raim with an always positve outcome after 3 seconds. SBAS on/off should acutally not do anything but be there and system status should just show all ok. Students will not ask further questions yet still being standardized in checklist usage.
I am happy to hear about proper transponder codes with SU9.
Personal comment:
It’s not a G1000 Trainer. The base product is to give users a simulator experience, by portraying the most often used features, and not recreate down to the last detail an actual G1000. Having folks experience flight while using most common instrumentation functions/features is an underlying pillar of the Product Vision.
Hey gang. I’m having trouble with adding navigation points (like a direct to, or in the flightplan in the G1000NXi). I typically fly in Hawai’i. My “home base” is PHNG. It is situated right at a bay. The typical (visual) approach circles around from north of the field into the bay, and then lines up with Rwy04. (Tradewinds here come from the NE the majority of the time.) So - there are a couple of nav points that I think (thought?) would help facilitate that.
(image from Navigraph Charts. It’s good stuff. Get it!)
If I go HARPE → VP011 → VP009, that’s a good start. (I’ve actually found the base leg needs to be pushed closer to the shoreline to the west-ish.)
So, if I try to pull up VP011 in the G1000NXi, it has no friggin idea where I am, and gives me that nav point like 6,000nm away. Definitely not the one I’m looking for. I didn’t see in the NXi screens that I could sort by distance or anything - from what I recall, it just showed me a whole bunch of rows of “VP011.” Am I doing something wrong? Is it a sim limitation?
Here’s the approach. (the bobbing up and down I think is from my Honeycomb Alpha. Trying to sort that out too). Come fly in Hawai’i!
Have you tried just adding a visual approach procedure to runway 4? I say that like I’ve had success myself but I’ve seen enough YouTube videos that make it look easy.
I haven’t done anything like that through the G1000NXi. Got any advice on keywords or a link that might show me?
Ah - found this video on YouTube that sorta explains it. Looks like I can get to the visual approaches from the PROC button on the MFD. Hmmm… in the video the pilot is approaching KSNA and selects (I think) the 20L Visual. I pulled up the charts for KSNA in Navigraph, and it doesn’t have any visual stuff listed. I feel like I’m missing something here.
I understand your point and the baseline of Asobos´s product vision. Having used P3D with a $995 G1000 addon from xxx with limited use and poor stability and develepment or the limited X-Plane G1000 I ever since clinged to a straw to see a realistic G1000 simulation.
And then came WT with it´s fantastic job. I just write this to appreciate your work and do not only want to point at some minor slight deviations. Thank you guys!
I think the visual approaches may be an NXi specific thing. But that’s me guessing. I think they are just a VFR assist for GPS AP. I’m sure plenty will say “Don’t use instruments for VFR! It teaches bad habits!” The G3000 doesn’t have those procs but that might just be because the developers have been focused on the G1000.
I finally got a lock on an approach for the first time but I haven’t done VNAV yet.
This is a great channel, https://www.youtube.com/c/KipOnTheGround
He has a way of making it look easier than it is.
Visual Approaches is specific to the NXi, but likely will become available as the other FMS are refreshed. It’s not technically an instrument approach as it’s assuming a three mile final with a 3 degree GS. Hence the pop up warning that no obstacle avoidance is taken into account. You’re still obligated to know and plan in advance whether that path has something in it’s way.
I’m thinking this is a bug but I can’t get any of the NXi airplanes to hold level in ROL mode. They all pick a random bank angle and seem to stick with it. Sometimes going into heading mode first then switching to ROL will clear the issue.
I was flying a GNS530 equipped airplane yesterday and the AP was capable of keeping the airplane level. It was a nice change to have that working.
Thank you, @CasualClick! Lol…but I wanna be spoon-fed! @Michail71, thank you for Kip’s channel. I had it subscribed, but apparently not set to notify me when things were released. I’ll start up his videos and see if I can find the relevant stuff.
I’ll see if I can get some time in the 'ole Caravan tonight and see if I can figure that part out.
The NXi just uses whatever navdata you have installed in the sim, whether that be stock or Navigraph. The naming of those fixes indicate to me that they might be VFR points and not navaids, in which case they would not be in the navdata (and also aren’t in the real thing either, you need to install a different database for those).
ROL is not a wing leveling mode. ROL will hold whatever roll angle you had when you first engaged ROL mode, and will return to that angle when reengaging ROL.
Just a quick point of clarity here: the GNS530 does not include an autopilot, and must be coupled with an external autopilot, like the KAP140. Each external autopilot will have different capabilities and modes. The KAP140 does not have a roll mode, and instead has a wing leveler.