Working Title G1000 NXi Discussion Thread

As a former pilot I find many things in MSFS to be wrong, unrealistic or simply crazy, but I admire and support your ethos. A pity that Asobo don’t seem to share the same values and are treating it as a game.


There’s a huge proportion of simmers on here, and elsewhere who demand nothing less than realism, fidelity, immersive ‘study level’ if you will.
Heck, I’ve seen some get upset over the alignment of screws and rivets in an airframe :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Systems fidelity is paramount to an awful lot of people. For immersion, realism, training, and a whole bunch of reasons.
It’s 100% right to strive for that, and to correct the ETA field.

I for one would love the LDG or ENR data field to be available, and for other aspects of the systems pages to be dialled in whenever they can be.


This is not the topic for this, but as someone who works with the bright and extremely passionate folks at Asobo and MS daily (it’s my job now! :smile:) I can assure you nothing could be further from the truth. There isn’t a person in the house who feels it’s just a game; we’re just lucky in that we have the tiniest slivers of a huge, huge, enormous scope of a codebase to focus on.

Now, that all being said, let’s all stay on topic, please :slightly_smiling_face:


OK last comment and I promise to be a good boy…

I think a lot of simmers were concerned when Microsoft decided to call it “GAME” OF THE YEAR. That is a management issue, I am sure there are talented and dedicated people doing the actual work.

Is it just me or is the NXi 0.11 not working correct with the Carenado C182T?
I´m pretty sure previous version of NXi was working without problems because I like to fly the C182T most times.
I see the autopilot functions are not synced with the NXi display and other oddities using the AP…
This is possibly a matter for Carenado but I don´t know where to file a support request.

Can anyone confirm the problem?

This is correct and real system accurate behavior with the NXi combined with the KAP140. The autopilot mode annunciator will be blank, and there are some other small limitations. We introduced those behaviors in NXi 0.8.0.


I started having CTD in the middle of my flights……one in a Carenado Mooney, and one this morning in the 337……both using the GNS750 mod. I only have the GNS, the Nxi G1000 mod, and the pushback mod on my pc. So finding which mod was causing the prob was easy. It was the NXI……took it off, and problem solved for 3 flights, even put it back on, and 8 minutes into Mooney flight CTD……don’t know why, but I don’t like the G1000 anyway……so just gonna leave it be for a while, till they finally….IF EVER …… get it right……

The GTN750 and the newest NXi are only wokring together with GTN V2.1.20 of GTN750:

My NXi problem is without GTN750, only NXi and Carenado.

This is correct and real system accurate behavior with the NXi combined with the KAP140. The autopilot mode annunciator will be blank, and there are some other small limitations. We introduced those behaviors in NXi 0.8.0.

Ok, so the KAP140 in the C182T does not have a connection to the G1000 because it is not integrated like in the “C172(G1000)” ?

I’m not sure this kind of attitude is warranted here. The NXi is a very feature complete and stable product at this point, with 8000+ hours of work into it, all for free within the sim.

Keeping in mind that a javascript instrument like the NXi cannot CTD on its own, just like javascript cannot crash your browser (without a browser bug), there are two known CTDs right now coming from within the sim’s map rendering system which are being looked at by the MSFS team (which includes us):

  • CTD on flight start - caused by a race condition within the sim map rendering code. The team is looking at solutions to sidestep that issue (as it is deep within the core architecture of how the third party Coherent solution has to be wired to the sim) either from the NXi end or from the sim end
  • CTD when changing pages on the MFD - This was caused by a race condition within the DX renderer that could result when the Coherent solution attempted to bind the map terrain graphic image to a DOM element that was already removed. This issue has been solved and the fix on the sim side will be available in SU9

That is correct: the KAP140 hardware does not speak to the Garmin Display Unit in the same way that the integrated GFC700 does. When in this configuration the display unit disables the autopilot annunciations, since they are solely controlled by the KAP140 and the display unit does not have a way to read those modes. However, the computer will send voltages for lateral and vertical GPS guidance to the KAP140 when the CDI is in GPS mode.


Not trying to offend, srry if it looks that way, my experience with the nxi, has not been optimal, as far as it not being able to crash my pc, I respectfully disagree, as outlined by the proof of what I posted originally……NXI ON……CTD……NXI deleted……no CTD……

My GTN 750 is up to date …….

What do you see in your event log as the error code for these crashes?

Unfortunately I have no idea……the simple way I have explained this problem is because I’m not to good at this……and usually do not go into file systems and the like……last foray, had my laptop in the shop for a month……so if it isn’t on the desktop so to speak……I don’t go looking for trouble….have minimal mods because of it……only the most simple, and those because I can get help from my kids, …… when they come visit….

There’s not really anything to disagree about :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: From a purely technical perspective that’s the one upside of purely operating in JS: no CTDs no matter how bad the error on the JS side. The JS could throw hundreds of thousands of errors each frame and everything else would continue as normal. Again, however, the NXi is triggering the two CTDs from within the sim I mentioned in my reply, when it calls into the sim and the map system is used or initialized. So, your observation of the correlation is correct, just not the causation (as these are due to issues outside of the NXi code). As mentioned the MSFS team is working on both of these issues.

It would be helpful if you could describe in some detail what the issues you’ve encountered are. In general we can’t correct problems unless they are surfaced to us, and we have a very short list of outstanding bugs given all the feedback across both this forum and our Discord. We try very hard to keep the quality levels high, but that all depends on user feedback also, as the breadth of the unit is very large.


Well, my complaint may have been too much…….the first was way back, when everyone was told to delete it because of issues……b4 su5 maybe……? Tell you what, as I stated……I would help if I knew what I was doing, that being said, I will NEVER complain about anything NXI again, I seldom use it , in fact my only real interaction with it has been to delete it to fix CDT’s
Sorry if I offended anyone………moving on……thanx for the replies though

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No offense at all taken! Just want to make sure everyone has the best experience with the NXi they can, and has the most accurate, up to date information on it that they can have.

Sorry the NXi experience was less than optimal for you, but we hope that we can bring our expertise to something you use more in the future!


Is there a comprehensive list of stock and 3rd party aircraft that use the NXi? Getting a little board with the G36 (but not the NXi) and looking for another option.

Also hope to hear about some new work on the G3000 soon. Love to get back to the TBM930 (but I’m being patient…)

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You need more Cessna Caravan in your life. :wink: Make sure to grab the update from over at It definitely improves the experience over the stock offering.

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See the Usage section of the NXi notes:

Also, there are several mods of aircraft in that list that greatly enhance their enjoyment - a quick example would be MrTommyMxr’s mods of the Turbodiesel 172 JT-A, the DA-62 and DA-40 NG among others. The Caravan Mod was also mentioned.