Working Title G1000 NXi Discussion Thread

On the Xbox (I’m on a series X) the NXi unfortunately seems to be causing a lot of CTD’s. Particularly in the Kodiak. I know this as I uninstalled the NXi 5 days ago and I’ve not had a single crash in the whole time, with any G1000 enabled aircraft. Hopefully this can be sorted somehow as it’s a great mod to the existing G1000. The default one is, well, rubbish. To put it mildly.

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I just recreated the ILS approach to KSTS (KOAK - KSTS, Approach procedure ILS RWY 32, SAU IAF).
The LOC path may be a little off, but I’m heading right for the runway, albeit a little at an oblique angle. At 500 ft I deactivate the AP as usual, however I did not have to make any course correction.
Use the latest NXI update (v0.11.0) and also the latest version of the Improvement Mod (v0.7).
Have you possibly installed a mod from KSTS?

No airport mod for KSTS.

When I have some time I’ll try a different plane, and perhaps uninstall the NXi.

The official response on the WT Discord server at this time is: “That’s odd” :laughing:

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No airport mod for KSTS.

Today I tested the Cessna 172 with the NXI 0.11.0 update. Note the exact same offset from the runway centerline as I posted on 3/18/22 above for the DA62X. Note that the CDI needle is offset but the FD is not trying to correct the offset and the physical runway centerline is about 100 feet to the right.:

So, I uninstalled the NXI for this next test.

Here is the same Cessna 172 using the exact same approach but with the stock Garmin 1000 instead of the NXI. Note that the CDI needle and the physical runway are all lined up perfectly, just as they used to be at this airport with the NX! 0.10.1 and previous versions:

I can only conclude that there is a problem being caused by the NXI 0.11.0 update to NXI 0.10.1.
Hopefully, we will see an NXI 0.11.1 hotfix soon.

For some reason, Discord does not like my IP address so I cannot post over there. Feel free to reference this post over there if you think it will help them.

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We have logged the ILS issue and will try to replicate, then investigate the problem.


Is there a way to display estimated arrival time at final destination in the flight plan? I can only find ETE ie time to next waypoint

Heh, all previous versions of NXi showed exactly that - ET to destination. Everyone else was clamoring for ET to next WPT. :joy: You can’t lose to win sometimes.

It was possible before the last update. Now it will only tell you time of arrival at next waypoint, as described in the release notes. Personally I wish that had not been changed as it was useful to let the wife know when I will be ready for dinner.

I was quite happy when ETA meant estimated time of arrival at destination, and ETE meant estimated time en-route to next waypoint, and I was never confused by the two. So now ETA tells you what time you will arrive at next waypoint, and ETE tells you how long that is in hours/minutes for those who can’t do the maths :wink:


I could not agree more. Yeah, yeah, I know it is all about realism, but this is a game and ya gotta pretend sometimes. ETE and ETA were perfect before.


You can add them back in the setup menu
190-02179-00_b.pdf (
PG 113

• Estimated time of arrival (ETA) - ETA is shown as hours:minutes and is the local time at the destination.

  • If in waypoint mode then the ETA is the ETE added to the departure time.
  • If a flight plan other than the active flight plan is selected it shows the ETA by adding to the departure
    time all of the ETEs of the legs up to and including the selected leg. If the entire flight plan is selected,
    then the ETA is calculated as if the last leg of the flight plan was selected.
  • If the active flight plan is selected the ETA reflects the current position of the aircraft and the current
    leg being flown. The ETA is calculated by adding to the current time the ETEs of the current leg up to
    and including the selected leg. If the entire flight plan is selected, then the ETA is calculated as if the
    last leg of the flight plan was selected.
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Wrong. They changed it with the latest release:


  • The Navigation Data Bar ‘ETA’ field now displays the estimated time of arrival to the active waypoint instead of the estimated time enroute to the destination.

This from the release notes.

Yes, it does, as does it work like the real unit does, which we verified on the real gear.

ENR is time enroute to the destination and LDG is time UTC at destination. ETA and ETE are only to the next waypoint, also as per the manuals you reference. Only a few installs have ENR and LDG as options, which we can consider adding in the future.

Unfortunately there has been much user confusion about this, and we don’t change these things counterintuitively without good reason and thorough research.


Umm… you are replying to a deleted post and not quoting the whole statement.

Which was intended to be humorous, but then I realised it could be taken the wrong way and deleted it.

Good morning.

That gets my vote :+1: :slight_smile:
My wife will appreciate it also so that she knows when to start cooking my dinner :wink:

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Is anyone else having an issue initially setting ALT in the PFD after 0.11.0?

  1. Start cold and dark
  2. Turn on battery mains.
  3. Turn on strobe lights
  4. Click rightmost MFD softkey to turn on MFD
  5. Start engine(s)
  6. Turn on avionics
  7. Sync altimeter to barometer
  8. Rotate the large PFD ALT knob

Instead of reading 1000 or -1000, as of 0.11.0, the ALT set readout shows some number that is not a multiple of 1000, such as 100, 400, or 200.

Before moving the large ALT knob, move the small ALT knob and see the random 100, 400, or 200, use the small ALT knob set the ALT set readout to 0, then turn the large ALT knob to see normal multiples of 1000.

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same here, would like to get ETE and ETA back as before


Id certainly like ETA adding back

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I too would like ETA back, its a far more useful display for me than ETE.

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Folks, I understand the disappointment, but it makes little sense to have the sim unit operate differently from the real unit. This bug was causing a good deal of confusion with real pilots, who expect that when they set the NXi up in the way they set it up in their plane that it exhibits identical behavior. And as a training tool, you would not want it to differ. We’re not going to offer a special specific option for ETA and ETE to operate wrongly. Replicating the unique and sometimes strange Garminisms is what makes these worthwhile tools for training and gaining knowledge.

This is always going to be our goal: to make the transition from using the unit in the sim to using it on a real plane be as transparent as possible, or else we’d remove all the other stuff that routinely throws users (and real pilots), like GPS autopilot mode arming and capture, the various CDI auto-switch quirks, VNAV limitations through specific legs, the flight planner putting the destination before the approach in some situations, etc.

Without these types of unique behaviors, it isn’t really a G1000 NXi, it’s a sorta G1000 looking skin over something else entirely, and that’s not at all what the goal is: faithful representations of the actual units.

Again, we’ll look at what airframe installs have ENR and LDG and potentially add them to those in the future.


Fair enough.