Working Title G1000 NXi Discussion Thread

I used the World Map flight planner in order to save and recall flight plans. I usually don’t enter flight plans directly into a FMS. However, I did check G1000 NXi access to the LM VOR by entering it directly successfully. If the VOR was missing, it couldn’t be entered as DIRECT-TO.

It’s not missing indeed (I can set a direct too), but I can’t enter it directly into the nxi flight plan.

This reminds me of a real life situation I had hand flying an older C172 from Johannesburg to Cape Town in South Africa in 1975. Flying over the semi-desert areas in the South Africa interior on a hot afternoon in summer was painful! Clear air but one minute I would be full throttle, nose pitched up and at best angle of climb speed and still be going down at >500fpm. Then a few minutes later I would be almost at idle, 120kts, nose down and still be going up at >500fpm. In the end I just gave up and flew a constant attitude with minor altitude corrections over time: turbulence would take me up, it would take me down but on average I sort of loosely kept around my set altitude… Fun times with unrelenting hard, jarring turbulence: emphatically NOT for anybody inclined to airsickness! I was exhausted by the time we landed.

I also had similarly harsh clear air turbulence in our Beech Debonair in 1988.

I suspect that, if MS/Asobo were to model turbulence like that in the sim, there would be an outcry and calls of great exaggeration. But the reality obviously made enough of an impression on me to recall the specific incidents sufficiently clearly that I could identify the actual flights in my logbook.

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Do we have any audible call outs in the G1000NXi?

Last week but not since SU9 for me :frowning:

“Don’t sink” and “500” for sure. I once risked asking for “Minimums” to be added, but I was shot down in flames over that :rofl:

I still get them since SU9.

I am inclined to think that WT should not have to change the G1000NXi, which was working fine, because of something brought on by Asobo. There seems to be something not right that Asobo needs to address themselves.

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I suppose Bishop398 is meaning a PID control which includes integral. Derivative is always difficult to control.
EDIT Especially in nested loops, which may be present.


Worked on PIDs for 35 years. WT will take care of it.

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Me too I must have done thousands of temp and pressure loops.

In 35 years, how many PID controllers have you come across, that did not Zero the Integral, when they were turned off ?? (apart from the MSFS ones !! )

Most of them don’t it’s just the error is so small the hardware absorbs it.

The way avionics systems are set up, callouts are the responsibility of the airplane code in panel.xml, because sounds ship in the airplane sound pck file. Therefore we cannot add those to the NXi, but they can be added to each plane individually by plane developers.


Been seeing an alert recently in the PFD. I hadn’t noticed it until SU9 and / or NXi 0.12.1. Can someone explain why? It starts at 00:16 & I open the alert at 01:18 . This was on approach to KAVL, live weather. Thanks.


I see this alert a lot, however the approach worked well each time - no idea what the alert means. Have not seen it since SU9 as ILS is now broken, RNAV is working ok but i think I have only seen the alert on SU8 ILS approaches.

I run a smart home system (HomeAssistant) and the monthly main app updates will regularly kill system add-ons, they publish a “breaking changes” list every month. 3rd party add-ons are not the remit of main system devs, its up to the add-on dev to fix things as and when needed, however, I have no idea of the communications from MS/Asobo to 3rd party devs - do they get any warnings?

Correct in my experience.

Yes that is all fine and understood, but WT are not third party devs, they are employed by Microsoft and are part of the development team, so I think the situation is somewhat different.

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Where is ILS broken? I had a perfect ILS approach and landing last night into Bristol International EGGD using the MSFS C172 and the PilotPlus EGGD airport from Orbx. Which airports are not working for you? Are they MSFS default airports or addons?