Working Title G1000 NXi Discussion Thread

Worth a try. At 70 kts, the values for a 3 degree and 5.5 degree glide slope are a bit over 350 and a little under 700 fpm . I wouldn’t be surprised to learn the unit will lose lock when over 1,000 fpm.

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Well i tried three flights today, all into London City, all ILS27

Reducing speed and using GPS worked fine. it nailed the slope.
Using VNAV and ILS failed miserably - it did not switch the CDI from GPS to LOC1 so just sailed on by.
Using manual flight followed by ILS it worked fine again although i was a bit faster and it does seem very sensitive to speed, it went over/under a couple of times, GS PID loop tuning maybe ?

Seems the missing auto-switch is still there.

The auto switch from GPS to Loc1 will only occur if the primary frequency is in the flight plan approach procedure in the NXI. Some airports, Liverpool EGGP being a good example dont show a primary frequency when you set up the approach procedure so manually switching the CDI from GPS to Loc1 is required on final if you want the ILS to work. Maybe London City has the same issue.

I will check that, thanks

I just tried EGLC ILS 27 WITH VNV. Auto switched to LOC ok and GS followed correctly.

Was the primary frequency in the approach procedure?

There is no primary frequency for approach 27 at EGLC, not using the default sim database anyway. I had to manually dial in Nav 1 & 2 to 111.15 and manually switch CDI from GPS to Loc1. Blimey, its a steep approach angle too!

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Nice, yes 5.5deg seems way more than the usual 3deg

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Yeah its harsh, lol. You would think you have overshot it if not for the GS diamond indicating otherwise.

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I thought I had overshot it. Perhaps I had not. It just looked to me like I was way high. When I went in manually, I was around 1000 fpm. But the glide scope was pinned to the top the whole time.

If the diamond was at the top your were definitely below the glide slope. I had the same thing, I just maintained 2000 feet until the GS suddenly and quickly dropped to the centre then the descent started at around 800 feet per minute, its usually around 450FPM for a 3 degree GS.

pms50 GTN750 with G1000Nxi v12.2 use CDI will broken autopilot apr Visual approache use apr will broken from GPS to Loc1 again landing

play fly again please do not use CDI use apr Visual approache GPS landing ok

What are you trying to tell us?

I think it’s English Jim, but not as we know it.


When I successfully used the ILS 27 approach with VNV I was using the default Asobo EGLC airport rather than the Orbx version. Maybe that makes a difference.

When using Orbx London City Airport I had to manually dial the ILS freq. and manually select LOC when lined up. Other than that it followed the ILS perfectly on the red and whites.


I think they are trying to say if you have a G1000 fitted plane, and have the 750 added as well, don’t use the CDI button as it breaks the autopilot. Use APR mode instead? Visual , and RNAV approaches are fine though. I’m guessing that it doesn’t switch to LOC1 correctly or something like that.

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G1000nxi question. Why do I sometimes see altitudes in a SID which are crossed out? What does that indicate? Thank you!!

It means that the AP cannot use it as entered. It is not a problem it is just that the system has calculated a different altitude for that WP. RNAV still works fine.

Thanks for the info!!