Working Title G1000 NXi Discussion Thread

Did you uninstall the NXi from the content manager first?

You can’t have the new NXi and the WT G-1000 mod installed in MSFS at the same time. If you want to use one, you have to uninstall the other. If both are installed at the same time, neither one will work correctly.

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This all with your Bravo?
Sorry, I’m using an X-Touch and although a few buttons stopped functioning (like FLC) everything else is working fine.

There are a couple of procedural changes in 0.5.0 for arming/activating GPS, but I think 0.5.0 actually make ILS GS easier.

I’m assuming you were lined up with the localiser heading & tuned in as normal. Did the LOC mode activate and change the CDI to green needles by itself?

No CDI to green needles by itself

All worked fine with the default. Re installed NXi got rev .5.1 instead og .5.5 and I’m back to where I was yesterday.

Yes, I did.

Thank you and regards.

They just updated it again to 0.5.1 . This update addresses the numerous key bindings that were nonfunctional with the new autopilot system, as well as rectifies the excess decimal precision of the FLC speed on the PFD.

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This is definitely not at all true. We will certainly let people know when the NXi is about to become the default, but it is going to be a while still, as we won’t be making it the default until the new flight plan system has been ported into the simulator. This will be a large and lengthy effort, as a good number of sim systems use the flight plan system.

We will keep folks in the loop as things progress, but certainly not anything as soon as SU6.

-Matt | Working Title


I’ve updated the original post and added the changelog for today’s update to 0.5.1. Fly safe!

-Matt | Working Title


Ah, I’m not at my PC so wasn’t aware of a hot fix to 0.5.1 today.
Here’s me, banging on about out of date 0.5.0 :unamused: :rofl:

Has anybody tried to operate the NAV button on the Cessna 208 B Grand Caravan? Mine does not work. On the Cessna 172 Skyhawk (G1000) it does work.

They just updated it again today, Sept 04, 2021, to 0.5.1 . This update addresses the numerous key bindings that were nonfunctional with the new autopilot system, as well as rectifies the excess decimal precision of the FLC speed on the PFD.

Thank you Matt! But what about us OCD types who want to fly at precisely 125.63678 knots? :grin:

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Is this a stock 208B or modded?

Well, we could always add the bug back, if you really insist. :wink: :laughing:

-Matt | Working Title

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I can’t get the NAV button to work in the SR22 or DA40. Works fine on the C172. I’m on Xbox.

Yes this is the stock 208B. Please try it for me, and Yes this is with the latest update og the G1000.

Its with this new updsate. Please try it for me and see if yours work. Its with the stock 208B

I am able to click the NAV button just fine, and I see GPS arm in white, in both the 208B and the SR22 (checked just now on 0.5.1 from the Marketplace). I would ensure you have a flight plan properly loaded, perhaps.

-Matt | Working Title

It worked fine for me.

Remember, that you must be within a certain range of the GPS track for the NAV to kick in. In other words if you takeoff runway heading of 270 and fly for 10 miles and your GPS heading is 180, then you must navigate toward the GPS track via Heading or manually until you are close to the GPS track, then press NAV and it will arm and capture the GPS track.

Ok I get it, but why does it arm on the Cessna 172 and not on the Caravan?

Probably because your heading was closer to the GPS track on the Cessna 172 than on the Caravan and it enabled.

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