Working Title G1000 NXi Discussion Thread

Will the new flight plan system eliminate the curves, and loops we often see in flight plans?

I’m not sure what you’re referring to, and quite often there are supposed to be curves and course reversals. So it would depend on the specific issues you have in mind.

-Matt | Working Title

I’ll fire up the sim shortly and show you. But essentially if I create a flight plan in LNM, there will be straight line courses between the waypoints.

When these are loaded into the sim, into the 530 for example, you would then see these large looping curves. The sim seems to assume you are always some fast moving jet so plots these wide sweeping curves. If I load the same plan into X-Plane it doesn’t do this.

Come to think of it I’m not sure if I have noticed that with the NXi. I need to test again, clearly.

I guess I’m wondering if these improvements are sim wide, and other GPS models will benefit from them, or whether they would be tied to the NXi only.

I think you mentioned before that the sim stock FP does not understand certain procedure leg types - so what would be a very clean elliptical curve into the approach lane on any external EFP or the CJ4/NXi FMS is depicted as a wide ballooning arc on the World Planner. The most recent I can think of is comparing an approach that has a hold pattern before the IAF depending on which of the three transitions were picked. NXi of course matched LNM as a race-track shaped pattern, but the FP had this balloony depiction.

Would the revamp of the sim FP enable you to remove that one-off from every NavUnit you’re modifying - thus taking it off-board and making it a common subsystem? And presumably opening it up to other parties to use as well?

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This is one example I was referring to, which IIRC was explained as being a kernel issue, though the NXi clearly doesn’t suffer from this.

Plan on the map screen

Plan in LNM.

Plan in the modded 530:

Plan in the NXi:

I may have misremembered this and thought that the NXi did that as well.

Hi Guys

So I have the flight plan done, NAV set to GPS, take off and use the VFR map to line up with the red line, wait til at altitude, and probably 5 miles+ away from the airport, engage the AP and the plane doesn’t continue on the heading but returns to the airport, circles around, and then proceeds on the correct track. Shouldnt it just continue on the correct track and not double back to the airport? Just asking.

When you turn on the AP, what is showing as the active waypoint? Make sure the AP is set to the NEXT waypoint in your journey.

Flight plan = KCHD - TFD - KGCZ and is setup in the GPS like this. However if you take off from KCHD and press AP and NAV to lock on GPS before selecting TFD as the active waypoint then it will fly basically fly around to pick up the first waypoint KCHD before heading to TFD. So always make sure when done with the flight plan before take off to set the next waypoint as your active leg. This should resolve the issue.

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Yes, it should IRL. But this is not how MSFS behaves.

When you say you’re using the G1000 mod, are you using the WT 0.4, or the new G1000 NXi?

The NXi does not behave like this. ORIGIN is set at the departure airport. Follow the guidance of the Flight Director to smoothly join up to the flight path, engage AP, and you’ll be on your way.

The “stock” G1000 implementation is not good. The WT G1000 improved things. The NXi is a quantum leap by comparison.

I have returned to flying glass panels because of the NXi; it is a significant improvement.


When you create a flight plan on the world map, MSFS adds special invisible waypoints near your departure and destination airport (supposedly top of climb and top of descent, maybe?). What happens is that waypoint didn’t get activated and now the plane is going back to it.

You can get rid of them by editing your flight plan while in the plane.

Hi, first I want to thank each of you to replying to my request for help! I really appreciate everyone! I’m old school steam gauge pilot and I’m sure my old CFII would never have let me into the plane with so little knowledge of the avionics. My flying IRL was with a chart in my lap.

I was able to figure out the procedure button, and the “direct to” but thats about it. Should have spent some time watching videos. I had not heard of the NXi so just googled it and saw a video by Kim on the Ground. So to cut this short, i’ll delete the old G1000, find the NXi, and watch some videos before i venture into the wild blue yonder again! Keep the greasy side down.

Keep in mind that the NXi is still eary access and still in very early stages of development. It’s missing a lot of what some would consider basic features in its current form. But the foundation - the navigation system - is basically a work of art in progress. It may still be lean on user-facing features, but the back end, under the hood parts are working extremely well. In the end, that’s what really counts most.

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Me too… got my “ticket” in 1978. Glass panels were what you replaced on your front door if a baseball went through one. :slight_smile:

You can download the NXi from the Marketplace at no cost. As @Crunchmeister71 mentioned it is still a work in progress - but even so - it is far superior to what was available when the sim was released a year ago. You can even input airports, VORs, and waypoints using your keyboard. That alone makes building a flight plan much easier.

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Indeed. The other features to “catch up” to the old WT G1000 0.3x (or even the stock unit) will come in time. While there are some that I miss badly, I’d rather they get the important base functionality - navigation, flight planning, and attached functionality - working right first.

In order to have a solid product, you need a solid foundation. If you don’t have that, you end up with what we currently have as default GPS units, flight planners and nav systems in the sim.

Guys, what an improvement! Got the NXi yesterday, watched a couple more Kip on the Ground videos, and had a very successful flight in the Baron from KDAN to KCHO. Now I gotta figure out the VNAV! Appreciate everyone’s help!!


VNAV is nice. Works very well and it’s easy. Once you have an arrival and / or approach activated, set your altitude selector to the lowest point in that arrival. Then hit the VNAV button. That’s it. It will follow the vertical profile defined in the STAR or approach.


Can’t wait to try it, Sir Meister71!! Was really surprised to see what the NXi is capable of. So much learning to do; so little time!

This isn’t a tutorial in any way, but me testing out to ensure VNAV works as it’s supposed to. And it does.

Even with setting my altitude selector to below the altitude of the FAF on the approach (deliberately did that to test if it would stop where it was supposed to), it worked exactly as intended.

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