Working Title G1000 NXi Discussion Thread

The charts are not in the NXi (yet?). I just posted here to show an appreciation of the complexity of the approach and how well the WT NXi handled it.

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Ah thanks, I got confused. :wink: (I am super glad that’s working right though! Big improvements all around and I’m enjoying the current state of the beta even with the incomplete bits!)


The variable is XMLVAR_VNAVButtonValue. 1 for active, 0 for inactive.

This is the event I created for Mobiflight,


Thanks, man. :sunglasses:

Just go to Working Title - Packages
Much easier to navigate.

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On the Beechcraft G36 (which has a constant-speed prop) I notice there’s no EGT readout on the MFD’s engine sidebar:

This makes it pretty tough to figure out how I should be dialing in the mixture. Is it just missing for now, or am I using the panel wrong? Thanks all!

(On Discord it was confirmed that it’s on a separate ‘lean’ page which is not yet implemented.)

I have been using versions of the “regular” WT G1000 mods for a long time and I really like the MFD primary engine info display when used in the Bonanza G36. One of the things that I particularly like is the numeric display of RPM, MP and FF. Trivial I know but I prefer this display to the new NXi display format. Not ever having flown a Garmin equipped Bonanza (my 1962 Debonair did not have exotics like that… :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: ) I do not know which one is “correct”, I just prefer the “regular”, non-NXi G1000 display

To illustrate what I mean: the current WT G1000NXi display as borrowed from @Vibstronium Note the integer MP and lack of numeric FF

Same display from the WT G1000 v0.4.0:

So my silly, trivial question of the day: will the NXi display stay the way it is at present or will it look like the regular G1000 display in the future?


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According to the manual, on the Beechcraft G36 with the G1000 NXi the MFD w/ the default engine panel up should look something like this:

IIRC the manifold pressure does show a decimal point, but I think on my display it rounds if it’s close to the integer? I’m not 100% certain on this. No idea if it should or not.

It should show digits for fuel flow, which currently it does not.

Currently the Lean page is not implemented (nor is the softkey even displayed), but hopefully it will be in future.

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Cool thanks. The sim’s default G1000 only ever shows integer MP and when I tried the WT G1000NXi it likewise only showed integer. This, together with the developmental state of the WT NXi, made me go back to the “comfort” of the familiar WT G1000 v 0.4.0 for now.

I will be watching the NXi development keenly as that is obviously the way to go longer term.

Yeah it might still need that fix for the decimals, I might be confusing it with another plane I flew today. :smiley:

@SlabsFly Right now, we are only 100% compatible with the panel.xml included with each plane. We have not added any additional features that would expand that.

What that means is that our EIS should have the exact same instruments as the stock G1000, because all of that is provided in each each plane’s panel.xml, and we just use that. As time goes on, we will be adding additional panel.xml tags to allow folks to make additional engine pages and the like. But we can’t ship new panel.xml files because they’re part of the plane, and not part of the NXi.

Hopefully that makes some sense.

-Matt | Working Title


Thanks for the insights Matt: much appreciated. As I implied: not a train smash if I cannot get my preferred format, but it would be nice…

Being the optimist I will just keep my fingers crossed MS/Asobo “improve” the Panel.XML for the base Bonanza G1000 at some point in the future.

Keep up the good work to improve the sim.

Can anybody tell me what the f… this is. I installed the new Update from the NXi and got this:

Do you have the old G1000 mod (either 0.3.7 or 0.4.0) in Community folder?

OK, thanks that worked now.

My situation:
Tuesday July 27. Since the SU5 played havoc, I wiped clean my PC and did a new install of Windows 10.

Next day, after all updates to OS and latest NV drivers and Game Controller drivers, etc., I DL MSFS and installed.

Played around with it some. Saw the NXi and got it from MP. Chose the C172 G1000, pick a departure AP, click FLY button and while loading the flight, the game CTD. Restarted game, same plane chosen, same AP and it flies fine. End flight, go back to main screen, same plane, same AP and it crashes as before.

I have deleted, via CM the NXi 4 times and reinstalled it over the last several days with the same results.

Since I know you will ask:
Nothing in community folder except Navigraph data, No addons from the MP except what comes with the Premium Deluxe version.

None of the other WT mods.

10700K, 64 RAM, RTX3070, Samsung NVME SSD (OS), Samsung NVME SSD (storage), 850 watt gold PSU, TM t.16000M stick, TM HOTAS, wired KB, wireless mouse.

Thanks WT. You guys make some nice stuff

The NXi causes CTD, it will work however when i uninstall it and then reinstall it, but if i leave the game and restart, it will CTD unless i uninstall and reinstall everytime. there is nothing in my community folder that would affect this. my WT g1000 is out of my community folder. if i delete the NXi and install the original WT G1000 it works, except for the range knob, it is completely dead.

mine CTD’s too, the only work around ive found, and its a pain in the ■■■, i uninstall and reinstall the nxi every time i start the game.

If it only works after a fresh installation, but not on subsequent MSFS loads, that would explain why I was initially able to fly for half and hour but when I first tried it, but then had CTDs on subsequent uses. I have gone back to the old G1000 ver 0.4, which I believe is just the standard G1000 with engine pages enabled. This has porblems as the MFD zoom is not functional, but is better than CTDs. If you can’t live without the MFD mapo zoom then your only choice is the standard G1000. This seems to work OK with mods like the DA62X or DA40 NGX but you don;t get all the engine pages.

This works very well. I used Flight1Tech in P3D for a few years. I need to review my class books and training. I tried to put in a flight plan, turning the dial on the origin did not display any letters for the airport I just did a direct to from Burbank KBUR to John Wayne KSNA and the approach to 20R had everything there. Then I flew back using a SID and approach. Since it was a direct to the AP did not flow the SID, expected that. Changing the route to a way point on the approach worked well with direct to. Looking forward to more time with it. Will review my materials and try again after the HotFix. Not sue if I need to unistall it before the hotfix, maybe so, right