Ok, then I’m thinking this is the correct place for the issue.
First, I’m pretty new to IFR – specifically GPS-based. I’ve mostly focused on VFR within the sim, however I’ve tried to educate myself. Be forgiving of errors in terminology please.
I selected the DA62 and setup a flight plan departing KSBP parking 13, arriving KSLC auto-selected runway arrival in the World Map. I changed it from VFR-direct to IFR low altitude, keeping the default flight plan as constructed by the World Map.
It showed departing KSBP via an AVILA FOUR departure with Morro Bay Transition (AVILA4.MQO). All looks as it should on the World Map – take off, turn towards AVILA, turn towards MQO and you’re on your way.
When I load into the cockpit, however, I can see it has added a Gaviota Transition (AVILA4.GVO), which would have me take off, turn towards AVILA, turn the opposite direction of MQO towards ORCUT then GVO, make a 180º turn back towards ORCUT then AVILA then MQO and I’m on my way. This is a ~100NM roundtrip superfluous transition.
Departure reference: https://flightaware.com/resources/airport/SBP/DP/AVILA+FOUR/pdf
I was able to erase both the ORCUT & GVO waypoints in the flight plan from the NXi, which is great as a workaround, but the question remains: Who’s responsible for adding the superfluous transition – WT or Asobo?
I just want to route the error to the appropriate place.
BTW, I’ve been able to easily reproduce this.
As an aside, I had an absolute panic attack for the testing process of this whole mechanism. How could one ever hope to test every iteration of flight plan to look for these sorts of mishaps?