Working Title Garmin G3000 Discussion Thread

I get CTD when trying to select menu items from ATC or the "Styled g3000_TSC panel. This is 100% repeatable.
I would like to hear from anyone with the Styled g300_TSC panel and workingtitle-gx installed, together with the g3000 mod.

I dont have the workingtitle-g1000 in the community folder as I read that it may conflict.

I dont have anyother mods installed for the TBM.

I really like the workingtitle-g3000 mod (who wouldnt) but I cant fly the TBM with it due to CTD’s!


I used the registration form but it didn’t work. Find another way

use 7zip instead of windows unzipper

Did you restart your computer? If so and still no result, then it’s WinRar or 7zip, as @SL1CKW177Y suggested.

Thank you for the mod, it’s great.
I would like to ask what is it like with the “direct to” option.
It is known that we sometimes get instructions from the controller to shorten the approach path.
Indicates that it is flying directly to point X, but it is not properly performed by the autopilot.
Is this a mod or FS2020 error? Maybe I’m doing something wrong?

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That sounds like a vanilla bug. The direct to function is known to be wonky.

just checking is the v0.2.1 (hotfix) linked at the top (about 182mb unzipped) a hotfix or the full version?

I installed it after removing the previous version and it certainly appears to work as the full version.

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Thank you for this outstanding mod!! There’s one thing I can’t seem to figure out - how do you now zoom the map on the MFD (turning the knob on the lower right doesn’t do anything any more) ?


On the smaller display beneath the MFD, you first need to select the MFD menu by pressing the button to the right of the “MFD” label. That should display a number of buttons, including Flight Plan and Proc, but you can ignore those and just use the knob to the bottom right of the screen to adjust the range.

Duh… :man_facepalming:t2:

Thanks HawkMoth9135 !!

I have still had this issue with v 0.21. However it did fix itself when I reached the next way point

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Yup, me too.

At least it provides a good opportunity to use the standby HSI and maybe to count the number of clicks when dialing in a new altitude. :slight_smile:

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trying to get this working for the first time - but I am getting no function on some of the buttons like map settings (click it and nothing comes up)
1)Seems this mod is contained in the working title main mod folder along with 2 other mods but can also see there is a standalone file (download) both look to be 0.2.1 - can you use either?
2)Do I need to run any other mod to get it working - have the g3000 touch screen mode running - just wondering if this is conflicting or even required?

any help appreciated

No idea if there’s any possibility to get into the core of the screens but – would it be possible to simulate an actual LCD type display on the screens? With a certain pixelation resulting from the screen’s specific resolution.

Right now, as with all screens, there is no simulation of the limited LCD resolutions, display LED grids etc. so all of the screens are looking very flat and artificial (even though the graphical content itself looks awesome of course!)

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Download the zip file from the github release page. Copy the enclosed workingtitle-g3000 folder to your community folder. You don’t need any other mods. The mod is currently not compatible with the touchscreen restyled mod (but good news… it will be included with the next version).

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thanks for the reply.
1)managed to get it working finally - seemed before I had been downloading the wrong files (there seems to be a working title zip that just contains doc on the x3 mods but not the actual mods)
2)actually have been running it with the touch screen mod (seemed to be running ok together) but did notice a couple of the touch screen buttons did not appear to function - assume this is what you mean or does it stop the G3000 mod functioning correctly when you run it with the touch screen mod?

off topic slightly - but see there is also a G1000 mod - assume this just replaces all the planes (Cessna 172) that have a G1000?

If the touchscreen mod is working fine for you, great. I can’t guarantee that everything is working as it should be, though, since they do modify some of the same files.

The g1000 will mod all the planes with that unit installed (including the 172).

I noticed you are not updating the package version number on the manifest.json file. It still reads 0.1.0. It would be nice if you start updating it with the new versions so we can look at it in AddonsLinker and see what version we have installed. The other WorkingTitle addons are being updated, just the G3000 is not.


Absolutely loving this mod. Made me go back to the TBM despite the dolphin dance issue.

My FPV seems to have disappeared all of a sudden today, though. I’m trying out a new livery so I’m suspecting there is a mod conflict somewhere. Can you advise which file to check to make sure the livery does not overwrite the flight path marker?

Edit: Scratch that. FPV was working. I think the crosswind component was just too high in cruise and caused the FPV to go beyond the screen.