World Photographer > Fauna, extremely rare animals spawn, can't be completed

Yes, i think they need to increase spawn rate

I’ve never seen any wildlife I flew all over the African plains, and landed near a bush/jungle walked around for a while no wildlife at all.


If I hadn’t seen animals in the trailer, I wouldn’t believe there are animals in 2024. So far I’ve yet to see a single one of any species. And I don’t care about polar dinosaurs or gryphon zebras. At the very least I’d expect to see some birds.

But there aren’t any birds in 2024, which should be the most basic of animals. We’ll end up having to buy 3rd party stuff again.


Yes, yes, yes and yes.


Animals are kind of glitchy overall, I did manage to find Bison yesterday just outside of Waterton National Park (where there are Bison in real life, albeit confined to a very large paddock) but some of them were hovering over the ground and it seemed like their animations were not looping smoothly.

I’ve found a single black bear and a few moose as well, but again their animations were very jerky and weird.

It would definitely be nice to someday see proper herds of animals as you might in real life.

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quick update, I was just flying around the Scottish highlands then I suddenly spotted something, they were ponies, well animated too I tried to land to get a closer look but they kept running off


I flew quite a bit around the countryside in Wales today and did not see a single sheep.
Assuming sheep models exist in the sim I guess we need someone to make a mod and put some sheep around. Unless someone else does it first I might investigate the sdk since I’m a retired software developer.

On another note, my 2020 birds showed up in my library today and seems to work as it did in 2020.

Thank you for your input, I think we all agree that if MSFS went the extra mile and added all those animals (supposedly since I’ve yet to meet all of them yet…) they need to implement it the way it should and have realistic population of animals :grinning:

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In HABD i had a group of wildebeast on the runway, but the animals are sensitive of noise and will respond, also i suspect that some animalgroups in 2024 migrate like they did in default 2020


I had the same issue, I spent two hours looking for moose in various areas without luck until I eventually found one. I then decided to look for some elk, and had the same problem, but couldn’t move for Moose! I must have seen 5 in ten minutes. Go figure.

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maniac!!! :laughing:

Topic up.
I’ve already spent 2 hours trying to find the elephants. After I photographed giraffes, they are everywhere now. The savannah is overflowing with giraffes. And no other animals…
is this a bug?
How does spawn happen? Do I need to circle in one place or do they appear at a distance in advance?

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Searched for days, couldn’t see any polar bears!
Seriously though, they took some time and patience to find, just like real life. Same with lions, elephants, hyenas etc. the balloon is good as the animals don’t run away as easily.

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Its just broken. I hope they will fix this asap

I found a lot in the north. But you need three stars with a child. But I didn’t find the child.

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I’ve tried these fauna photograph missions at least 10 times and so far …NO luck (Xbox Series X).

Even picking a smaller area of ground to scan - when it says “40-60 Zebras” …and I’ll find a few cows and sheep…(I have to REALLY be close to the ground to spot them in an open field). Still, not one single Zebra! (Or any mission related animals)

I thought it was just me…needing more patience?? Guess not.

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All the modes other than free flight are too buggy, wouldn’t bother with them.


Could you tell where you found it?

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Anyone else can’t get the brown bear to count?


There are quite a few of them here. But I didn’t find the juvenile.

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