World Photographer > Fauna, extremely rare animals spawn, can't be completed

I got the polar bear challenge just need the brown bear.

The list I still need:

Asian Elephant (seems to only spawn farm animals in Asia for me)
Brown bear
Tiger (doesn’t even show population on world map)
Snow Leopard
Probescis Monkey (same problem as with Asian Elephant.)

Have you found a lion, an ostrich and a cheetah?

Most of them here Imgur: The magic of the Internet

please tell us more about it. I’ve been studying the Serengeti for 20 hours and I haven’t found any

It’s only about 1 hour…

The spawn rate of many animals in Africa are ridiculous low.
Especially for lion, cheetah, ostrich and hyena.
In an area where many animals have the same population you should be able to see them with the same probability.


Thanks, I appreciate that. I like a good mission and try to find these animals myself…(still, no luck) But I’ll take a few tips, locations for a few just to see them, try to finish a mission.

I’ll try that specific location.

The main thing is that the devs from Asobo understand this

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I managed to snap everthing except the tiger and brown bear.
Are they even in the game?

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I was able to get the last of my Savanna animals (hyena with juvenile) by flying in this zone, just north of the somewhat horizontal dark line following an Eastern path left to right. I’m not sure if it was necessary, but after completing the path, I reloaded the objective and started again. For me at least, reloading the objective seemed to refresh the animals that spawned.

Imgur: The magic of the Internet

I posted here Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 - Photo Callange - Animals … my method for cheating with dev mode:

I resorted to cheating… I could not for the life of me find any Ostrich, juvenile Hyena, or Cheetah… everything else I was finally able to snag after about a dozen days and more than 20 hours of searching :frowning:

My cheating method included flying free flight mode, enabling developer mode, and then opening the debug console and filtering based on the animal I was after…then also opening the Sim Objects → Expand ‘Containers’ → Living World → and then finding the animal(s) and hovering over + selecting the name/sphere/position and spinning around in slew mode to find/navigate to them.

These screenshots… don’t show the debug console animal filter but all you have to do is open it and search for the name/animal you’re looking for; I use that so when I’m slewing around I know when they pop up somewhere in the current vicinity.

I have been flying helicopters low and slow looking for lions and elephants.

Was even playing in multiplayer, and everyone else in my party were seeing Elephants in the same area, just unsynced in what they were doing, just synced in the location.

I saw none of them, in the 5 groups of elephants they saw during our flight together, I never saw any of them.

Every time I saw the wildebeests, camels, or giraffe’s, the other people in my party could see the ones I saw.

I am running the Steam install. Windows 10, AMD CPU, Nvidia GPU to see if there are any hardware things we all have in common that are having issues

I have deleted the game, including everything in the Appdata folder, to clear the entire install, and have reinstalled to make sure that I do not have any corrupted files preventing me from seeing anything.

I have seen two cheetahs in total, and several hundred wildebeests and giraffes in Africa. So many cows and sheep in the UK

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Hi, @Erico360 (fellow completionist)… I finally got the Brown Bear by chance (after spending hours scraping the planet in the areas they say it should be…not realizing they had this part of North America as well…), I happened to find it when trying to get the America’s National Parks “Grand Teton” photo challenge; before I realized it requires realtime Spring to get all three stars…glad I went in when I did. Brown Bear in MSFS 2024 - Album on Imgur … I’ll let you know if I ever find the Tiger; maybe one day.

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• YES! A subset, actually: I’ve found every animal except the JUVENILE HYENA. Just finding a HYENA is hard enough; the added requirement of a JUVENILE makes this prohibitively difficult and a huge time suck.

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
• xBox X Series is my platform. I’ve read the same complaint from PC users; this is not a platform-specific issue as far as I can tell.

Have completed 18/19 African Savannah Safari.
Have photographed Hyenas TWICE.
Game says a picture of some rocks and trees counts as a THIRD Hyena photo, yet no Hyena is visible!
(Does the game simulate dens whereby the Hyenas can disappear underground and be heard but not seen?)
Yet, none of the photos included a JUVENILE, so it doesn’t count!
Have wasted hours and hours on this trying every trick, slewing with engine off, getting out and creeping up to where I hear the Hyenas. Their “run away perimeter” is about twice what the other animals are, and only once have I seen then in tall grass in a wooded area under a tree, and that was sheer dumb luck. No juvenile was present.

Please simplify finding the Hyena so we can complete this Challenge!

BTW, to those of you only using your eyes, a hint (for everything except the Hyena):

Stop the plane’s engine and use your EARS with stereo. You will HEAR the animal well before you SEE it. That is your “location marker”

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My opinion is that the current implementation of finding animals defies the core principle of an “achievement”. An achievement imho should be something you can actively achieve, through your skills and maybe some patience. It should not be something which requires a whole lot of luck to get, otherwise it feels like a waste of time, no more.

If there are any rules to obey (like that hyenas only spawn in certain times of day, in certain types of vegetation) then I expect them to be noted in the game, just as any good biologist would study literature and ask experts first before setting out on an expedition.

If there really are no such limitations then the spawn rate is just ridiculously low. After searching hyena and lions for like 15 hours in total, flying low to the ground, using zoom and whatnot, I must expect to see one. I’ve seen more lions in that time span on a real safari, not kidding!

FYI, I discovered a bug which might have caused this. If I go into the built-in photo album and back into the game, all animals have disappeared and will re-spawn somewhere else. Maybe this caused the animals to disappear for you.

(Bug has been reported via Zendesk already.)