World Traveler Achievement: Progress Not Tracking

As the title says: the World Traveler Achievement (Land at 500 different airports) is no longer tracking for me.

During SU6, I uninstalled and reinstalled the sim because of a bug. I lost all hours and landings in my logbook.

At the time of reinstalling, the Achievement had been working for me: updating 1% for every 5 landings and I was at 22% (approximately 110 landings).

With my “new” logbook I am at 169 landings: which should be approximately 34%.

It’s possible a few are duplicate airports and would not count toward the Achievement, which is why I waited to post this, but clearly it has stopped counting toward the Achievement because I rarely land at the same airport twice.

I am coming to a full stop on the runway. Usually there is a small white circle that appears in the lower right corner for a few seconds as the sim saves that I have landed at the airport. And the landing are being added to my logbook. They’re just not progressing the Achievement progress which is stuck at 22%

Anyone else experiencing this issue? Any ideas?

Edit: Xbox Series X with SU7 fully installed/up to date. No dev mode obviously.

I found this achievement to be a real pain to complete.
I tracked my landings in excel. Checked both log and profile after pretty much every completed flight and the number of landings at new airfields which never actually registered in the profile was really quite high.

A lot of it didn’t seem to make much sense either. Almost as if landings would not be recognised in the profile if landing on the same airstrip but from the other end.

(For example wind indicates a correct landing would be at one end but profile will only register if you land at the other.)

I also started to wonder if profile would not register if a cross wind was too high for the rating of the aircraft (even if I absolutely nailed the landing.)

At a lot of small rural grass/dirt airstrips the visual cues for where the runway actually is might not actually line up with where the sim thinks the runway should be. (You can actually check in DevMode to see the runway box but of course your landing won’t count if in DevMode)

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I’ve been flying point-to-point around the world with 179 airport entries so far and my logbook lists 475 total landings. Yet at the moment my “World Traveler” stat is at 3%. That’s 15 of 500.
I think it happened at the last update, but I noticed it was wrong even before that.

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I had the same issue. The Achievement logic doesn’t seem to be tracking landings toward the World Traveler Achievement. After a few months it started tracking again for some reason.

:wave: Thank you using the Bug section, using templates provided will greatly help the team reproducing the issue and ease the process of fixing it.

Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it?


Have you disabled/removed all your mods and addons?


Brief description of the issue:

When landing at airports I’ve never landed at, the World Traveler achievement is not advancing. It’s been stuck at 39% for a very long time.

Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:

Detailed steps to reproduce the issue encountered:

Land at an airport never landed at before. Check achievement progress via Xbox OS.

PC specs and/or peripheral set up if relevant:

Xbox Series X

Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:

1.27.21 (Maybe even SU9.)

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I can confirm 2 years later, this is still happening. After the recent NZ update, most of my stats were reset including my progress on this acheivement. In Steam, it says my progress is 24% still but in game, it says I’ve only landed at 40 airports which is between 9% and 10%. I went to my logbook to list the last 40 airports I’d landed at and that’s how I figured it was on the day of the NZ update when my stats were reset.

Today, I landed at Heathrow and it didn’t count as a landing despite landing about 5 times. It’s as if it was already logged as a landing but it is not one of the last 40 I’ve landed at. I wish to hell Asobo would get off their ■■■■■ and create some sort of checklist or graphic on the World Map for airports that we have landed at. And fixing this ■■■■ stat reset bug would be really nice too as I’m so close to uninstalling. I’m not enjoying this game in it’s current state.


The “World Traveler” achievement is stuck at a mere 15% progress, despite having completed over 200 landings around the virtual world that this exciting game offers.

This achievement has been a personal goal for many of us, and it’s disheartening to encounter such a significant roadblock. Throughout my hours of gameplay, I’ve invested a considerable amount of time and effort into land carefully in differents airports, aiming to achieve the full goal of this achievement. However, the lack of progress beyond 15% has started to frustrate me, and I’m feeling demotivated to continue my quest for landings around the world.

I’d like to call upon the game developers to investigate and address this issue with the “World Traveler” achievement. I’m sure I’m not the only one facing this situation, and many other players would also be grateful for a resolution.


Is anyone seeing this advance? Mine has been stuck at 46% for what seems like forever.

Looking at my last post on this thread, it was at 39% in December of 2022.

1% of 500 is 5. I should be able to land at 5 different airports that are “new” to me and have it advance 1%. Right?

Does a touch and go count?

Does any airport count or is this only tied to controlled airports?

Some definition would be nice.

My Pilot Profile says I’ve only landed at 25 different airports. That is simply untrue, and if it were true that should only be 5% progress towards the achievement. I’m well past that at 46%, which is 230 airports.

Hello there! I unlocked the ‘World traveller’-achievement quite a while ago! At first, my progress has been stuck at 63%!

I don’t know if you have to meet special criteria but I did the following: I flew with a small GA aircraft (Scotish Aviation Bulldog, I believe) from airfield to airfield (in sunny California), took off again, flew to the next (small) airfield and landed again. Basically, a lot of touch and goes! It took a few days, but in the end that little rascal unlocked! :wink: Hope this helps! Good luck, Aviator!


My homeland!

Thanks for the tips! I will keep cracking away at this, I really appreciate the input.

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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?


Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:

I have been stuck on 46% since, at least, Oct 2023. I flew the entire Breckenridge to Yosemite bush trip over the last couple of days and, apparently, none of the airports I landed at counted towards progression. Prior to typing this, I landed at 5 new airports, which should have advanced this by 1% and that did not happen.

It appears to be stuck.

My profile statistics appear to have been reset at some stage (even though my hours and flights were preserved). Is the fact that the Stats page only shows 82 airports the reason it isn’t advancing? Am I going to have to, again, advance that value to past the 46% point, which is 230 airports, to get it to start advancing past 46%?

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

The answer to this is yes.

I had to redo my lost progress to re-reach 230 and then continue to 235 and the progress percentage has, after many, many months of stagnancy, advanced from 46% to 47%.

The progress on this achievement is 100% tied to the number value of your profile for number of unique airports landed at. Should this number be lost, as a result of lost progress or a save file reset, you will have to start all over from scratch.


I believe this bug is no longer an issue and can be marked as “fixed on live”.

As I have stated, due to a loss of my profile’s tally of unique airports landed at, I had to “start over” and catch up to the percentage that the Xbox achievement system had logged prior to the profile wipe.

Once I caught up and surpassed my previous highest tally, I immediately saw consistent progress towards completion.

Today, I just completed the achievement (wow, was that mind numbing).

:wave: Thank you for using the Bug section, using templates provided will greatly help the team reproducing the issue and ease the process of fixing it.

Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it?


Have you disabled/removed all your mods and addons? If the issue still occurs with no mods and add-ons, please continue to report your issue. If not, please move this post to the User Support Hub.


Brief description of the issue:

I finally got the world traveller acheivement today (500 airports). But after a quarter of my progress was wiped last year after the New Zealand update, I had to start again and i wrote doen every airport I landed at. However I noticed that some airports were registering in the logbook but not contributing to the acheivement itself on the stats page. I’ve tried both different runways and different planes.

London City
Milan Linate
Milan Malpensa
Des Moines
Columbus Ohio
Guadalupe MMGD

Now some of these airports I’m certain I landed at prior to the wipe last year so I’ll be honest and admit I’m not sure if this is a bug or a ME problem. In either case it’s very strange behaviour.

Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:

ICAO or coordinates (DevMode > Debug > Display position)

Detailed steps to reproduce the issue encountered:

PC specs and/or peripheral set up if relevant:

Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:

:loudspeaker: For anyone who wants to contribute on this issue, Click on the button below to use this template:

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

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If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

See my two posts here:

To summarize: the simachievement system is aware that you have landed at X airports. You need to “catch up” to where you were by landing at X airports again (it doesn’t have the exact same airports just the same quantity) and once you surpass that X value, you will see progress begin to show again.

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I’ve been smashing the bush trips all week which has made me finish this acheivement sooner than I expected. I’ve not encountered any major problems with them not registering. Except on a few occaisions it was the other way around with these. They were registering in the “number of airports landed at” on the stats page but in the logbook they were registering as “in the vicinity” or sometimes not showing at all.
