World update for England and Ireland

They should compliment each other, as per our previous World Updates for regions like the USA! :slight_smile:


This pie chart does exactly match the level of care and attention given to each continentā€™s scenery (sady) so I would agree with your theory.

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Iā€™m no statistician, but there definitely is a correlation! The ā€œwestā€ is well catered for.

There is a very important difference between correlation and causality. You can find correlation everywhere but it doesnā€™t mean that one thing affects the other.

The thing is MSFS is first and foremost a business. Business only operates on profit. Profit comes from keeping your core base & spenders continually engaged & spending. Market expansion grows later. When you view it though this it makes perfect sense.

Canā€™t wait!
What time normally they release the update?

Most simmers tend to buy more airports or sceneries that are local to them, and also have interest in things local to them. Not all but most. So it makes a lot of sense for MS to cater to the markets where simming is the biggest which undeniably means US and Europe. Other regions will come but they arenā€™t going to be a priority.

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1600 Zulu?

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Usually about 16:00 UT(GMT) no? So maybe 5pm UK BST?

I also noted that Jorg said it was a ā€˜big updateā€™ during the dev stream, so Iā€™ll be downloading it for a couple of hrs probably.
Canā€™t wait though. Glasgow and Edinburgh in PG. :partying_face:

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Think of the new Edinburgh with new Pyreegue airportā€¦ Wow.


I just hope the new PG in places works fine with these airports FPS wise. EGLL and itā€™s rumoured new PG around it comes to mind.

Have updated the new Edinburgh airport from the old version. Worth every penny and cant wait to see the new surrounding areas too

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I am Really excited about the new London PG. The old one was very Bad Quality

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About world updates, where and why:


Official trailer


So do we delete Orbx London City Pack or donā€™t we?

I will leave it installed. The new buildings will only be better photogrammetry. So still the handcrafted buildings of the city pack should look much better.

If only all 3rd Party Airports would perform and look like the Edinburgh Airport. Solid 60 FPS on Ultra on my old 9700k is brilliant.

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Think it would be best for to leave it for nowā€¦unless you spot anything strange However, safe to say that the latest PG would exceed Orbx. But only time to tell my friend

Cardington sheds! Finally!