There was a guy complaining abnout the length of grass when he LANDED IN A STADIUM! c’mon
I agree…when in an airport
Calm Yourself mein kleine Dumpling !,…World Update UK in coming Soon !
A little ‘Something’ to While Away the Time with as we await The World UpDate UK.
( Includes information re the Speed of Light. Now that those clever People at Asobo have sorted the Sound Barrier issue,… Who Know’s !
I hadn’t noticed that yet but now I’m going to go and take a look
Looking forward to this!
I can’t wait for this. I learnt to fly at Barton back in 2003. Happy memories
Is it just me who doesn’t want phtogrammetry? All I see is a lot of melted buildings and low frame rates when I fly over PG cities. I would rather stick to the hand crafted models of the important buildings and let autogen do the rest.
And yes, I have a high end PC.
Same here. I think it looks good from certain altitudes and under certain weather/lighting conditions, but too often it doesn‘t really convince. I still think it was a good move to include PG. Many seem to like it and I see quite some potential as the technology improves.
It seems to me, with further AI development, you could get some very nice autogen buildings based on what the photogrammetry picks up. I think it looks great from about 500’ or so - but yeah, if you try to land next to your PG house, it’s going to look a bit odd…
For the moment I agree, my high end pc isn’t too happy with the PG either and there are lots of ‘issues’ with PG. However, PG is the future, give 'm time to fix it. They also mentioned it some time ago that if they went the handcraft way it would take ten years to achieve te same. I’m pretty certain people would complain more than about the PG.
There is a way to improve that. Just manually cash the photogrammetry areas you wish to fly to. Low resolution should be enough to see it nice and clear from a distance so it’s not going to take up much space. That’s what I do and it works great. Saves fps and loading times as well.
normally i get 200 Mbit/S
Im downloading between 0.50 and 30 MB,s a sec
Same for me: 21.9 GiB…wow. And this time I didn’t have any mods in place. Fortunately runnig at 70 Mbit/s and wisely hit the update an hour before I actually want to fly tonight.
Please use this topic for World Update 3 UK: