World Update without photogrammetry and hand-made POI?


I don’t have a very good internet connection and I prefer to play without photogrammetry cities because otherwise it looks ugly. However, I’m not familiar with World Updates, but do they have 3D hand-made POI or most of the new buildings or POI are photogrammetry data only?

For example, the Parliament in Ottawa, Canada, originally it just looks like a normal building which doesn’t make sense. I tried photogrammetry, but it just looked like an ugly mess, roads where a bit weird too. So I’m wondering if the World Update Canada comes with a 3D model of the Parliament or not?

Like are the World Updates worth it if you aren’t using photogrammetry cities? Maybe for the new satellite imagery or elevation data?

Thank you

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Ok seems like you can install everything individually.

Canada was given a World Update with Photogrammetry for WU 11 (WU XI), Sept 2022, but was a bit of a disaster, as the photogrammetry was … post-apocalyptic for many iconic landmarks, and cities as a whole.

The devs had to hire a different firm to re-do it all, and is now due “Oct/Nov”.

You can choose individual aspects of world updates to install or uninstall (even on Xbox).

Also, I think that the next version of MSFS 2024 will change some of how this works, with more processing being done in the cloud - although I’m not sure if that will then mean more data streaming, or less.

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