*AA has progressively gotten worse since mid-late 2021, seems like it may have been happened in the latest Sim update for me. The amount of shimmering (on edges of objects/water) and aliasing on all scenery objects has increased. Aliasing is worse for me on everything other than the aircraft itself.
*Cloud pixelation. I think there’s plenty of talk on this. Since late-ish 2021 the clouds again became extremely pixelated around the edges. They also suffer from some horrid contrast/brightness issues which make them look watercolour-y/flat in most conditions
*Performance. FPS was fine after the performance update, however in the subsequent patches it has gotten worse. In fact, it seems like it has degraded below launch performance for me personally. Flying a Cub around Nanwalek use to get me 60-75FPS, and now averages me around 50-60 max with a low of 40-45. I can say similarly around dense areas with the FBW A320 eg. YSSY, clear conditions as a standard condition - 50-60FPS average now dropping to 30-45. Flying the A320 through dense cloud also has a bigger impact on FPS than I recall it having. Sure the FPS is doable, I’m not expecting 120FPS, but the fact that there has been a degradation is frustrating when I was able to achieve a near consistent 60FPS.
*When flying in areas with mountains (try Alaska, or try the area of the Bugalaga landing challenge in PNG), there’s a faint horizontal line in the distance that cuts through the mountains in the distance. It’s hard to explain so I’ve attached a picture.
*Blurry textures. Ground textures (satellite imagery) have gotten worse, they’re just not crisp anywhere. This is probably my biggest gripe with the graphics at the moment.
*LOD. Even with the inclusion of adjusting LOD to 400 in sim, the LOD has reduced significantly since launch. There’s still heaps that won’t render in the distance where it once use to.
I know a lot of what I’ve said is anecdotal, but these are my experiences I’m sharing on the forum.
Ryzen 5 3600, 2070 Super, 32GB RAM, 1440p, Nvidia driver 497.29. All my settings are the default “High” with a couple options turned off or down to medium (lens flare, lens correction are off, buildings and trees and medium).
EDIT: The forum has compressed the image so its difficult to see the horizontal line I’m referring to. You can see it in this crop of the photo