Wrong aircraft model in multiplayer

Whenever I see someone flying an F/A-18 it shows up as an airliner. The Volocopter looks like a small GA aircraft and the CJ4 also looks like an airliner. Why is this? I thought it would show the correct model if both users have the aircraft installed?


Did you set your Traffic setting to have multiplayer set to use Generic models?

As this is not a bug, nor was the template used, topic moved into #self-service:miscellaneous

Notced, that the visble planes in multiplayer partly dont match the models that are shown in the plate and neither their behavior. That a Helicopter is represented by a singel engine plane might be due to the fact that Asobo still dont have Helis ?, but i spotted also a F18 represented by an airbus . Any ideas ?

That’s a normal behavior as long as you don’t have an aircraft with the same icao information in your end - it then will display a generic aircraft which comes close to the one in use.

You mitigate this a bit by installing the ai models provided by AIG AI Manager - If you install them at least most airliners will be correct.

From my understanding it would not be possible to randomly stream the multiplayers aircraft to every user of a session - likely it would conflict with copyright and/or licensing agreements of the third party addon providers.

For helicopters: there is no generic aircraft, so it falls back to the next best one available until you have the same one installed.

For the F/A-18E it likely was a mod (the Super Warrior mod) which has the correct icao code in place (F18S). The Asobo default F/A-18E uses some wrong icao code (F18E), so it does not match and the fallback somehow is the A32N.

There is a wishlist on this:

I saw a multiplayer F-18 as an F-18 once. And just once. I see genericized replacement models for aircraft I do own all the time after that one flight.

I chalk it up as a cross-platform issue of an XBox user in a PC multiplayer environment.

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Good afternoon

Guys I have 737 MAX because in multiplayer another aircraft appears?? at least one Airbus or another aircraft of the same size had to appear, the correct thing would be the correct aircraft appears.



I agree this is one of if not the biggest immersion buzz-kills they just cant get right… Give us the ability to download any external models we need to see players in correct aircraft. When a 787 is going mach 1 doing barrel rolls it really takes away from the authenticity of this sim.


Hey, my friend. I merged your post into an existing thread where this was already being discussed. Also, if you scroll up a bit, there is a link to a Wishlist topic where you can vote on having this issue addressed in a future update. Enjoy.


I believe all developers of any aircraft should have to submit a simple/generic model, that will be seen by everyone else. Even if we the user does not have that aircraft in their library. That includes Micro-Sobo too.
I’m curious as to what plane model they just throw in there for the new Space-Ship we have now.
Will I see a Cessna reaching new heights, just because I didn’t buy into the Halo thing?


Turn off the general model of multiplayer game and the general model of AI aircraft in the general traffic option

Ok my input is i can only see concordes as i use this plane all the time. Followed one out of KLAX the other day it was brilliant. Plus he/she had Air France livery and i was BA. But…
It is a buzz kill seeing a airbus doing barrel rolls over an airport when it says its an FA18…why shouldn’t this show as correct as we all have this plane?
So annoying its a bit of a shame tbh


This doesnt work. At least now that msfs has a couple of helos it would be nice for a generic helo to appear in mp rather than a strangely hovering blue Bonanza, which looks stupid :wink:

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